Man pages for seabbs/tbinenglanddataclean
Cleans and Munges Tuberculosis and Demographic Data for England

calculate_incidence_ets_lfs_onsFunction to Calculate Incidence Rates from ETS and...
case_rateFunction to Estimate the Case Rate for a Given Variable,...
clean_and_munge_england_birthsA Function to Clean and Merge Observed and Projected Births...
clean_and_munge_england_life_expectancyA Function to Clean and Munge Life Expectancy Estimates from...
clean_demographics_ukClean and Munge UK Demographic Data
clean_labour_force_surveyLoad and Clean Labour Force Survey Data
clean_munge_ets_2016Clean and Munge 2016 Enhanced Tuberculosis Surviellance Data
combine_ons_with_lfsA Function that Combines the ONS Demographic Data, with the...
est_inc_crude_adjFunction to Estimate Age Adjusted Incidence
extract_case_countsExtract Case Counts from the ETS Data
form_df_epiR_inc_rateFunction to Split by Country of Birth and Format for epiR
plot_historic_prop_pul_tbPlot Historic Proportions of Pulmonary/Extra-Pulmonary TB
plot_historic_tb_ewPlot Historic TB Notifications in England and Wales
plot_pop_age_compare_ons_lfsA Function to Plot Differences Between LFS and ONS Data
save_dataA Function to Save Results in Multiple Formats
tb_interventions_timelineTuberculosis Interventions Timeline
tb_not_ewTuberculosis Notifications in England and Wales
seabbs/tbinenglanddataclean documentation built on July 12, 2019, 2:54 p.m.