Man pages for sean-rohan/trawllight
Derive apparent optical properties from trawl-mounted light sensors

assign_orientationAssign orientation
calculate_attenuationDiffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradiance
calculate_odCalculate optical depth
convert_lightConvert archival tag light to PFD
csv_rbindOpen and bind rows of csv to data frame
energy_to_quantaConvert radiometric energy to photon flux density
estimate_surfaceEstimate missing light measurement from reference depth bin
filter_stepwiseBin and filter light measurements
find_optical_depthDepth of optical depth
geometric.meanGeometric mean
illumRVectorized version of Janiczek and DeYoung (1987) for R
light_proportionCalculate relative light level and linear attenuation...
loess.as2Local polynomial regression with automatic span selection and...
make_aop_ncdfMake netCDF files
mk9_cast_timesGet cast times
mk9_convert_wcdap_archiveConvert WCDAP archive csv to trawllight csv format
mk9_convert_wctabConvert WC Instrument Helper file to trawllight csv format
mk9_extinctionWrite time-corrected data to csv
mk9_find_surface_offsetFind and apply time offset to deck tag data
mk9_setup_dirCopy MK9 data and setup directory
mk9_time_offsetEstimate offset between MK9 and MBT times
quanta_to_energyPhoton flux density to radiometric energy
radtranRADTRAN Solar Irradiance Model with delta-Eddington cloud...
radtran_solar_zenithCalculate solar zenith angle
spctral2SPCTRAL2 Solar Irradiance Model
tag_residuals_directDirect method for detecting tag obstruction
tag_residuals_indirectIndirect method for detecting tag obstruction
threshold_select'threshold_select' uses the first derivative of a kernel...
time_adjustmentsCorrect tag time in cases where offsets were incorrect
tlu_calc_summaryWrite AOPs
tlu_get_bottomRetrieve bottom light data
tlu_get_castsWrapper function to retrieve cast data and aggregate
tlu_get_surfaceWrapper function to retrieve cast data and aggregate
tlu_run_trawllightWrapper function to run trawllight
tlu_setup_dirCopy MK9 data and setup directory
sean-rohan/trawllight documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 10:43 p.m.