#' Scrape data by entry_id
#' @param entry_id Integer. The entry ID that will be scraped.
#' @param user_agent Character. Used to set the user header string in the cURL request. As default, a generic one provided as per https://stackoverflow.com/a/31597823; however, users can provide a custom user agent.
#' @param export_csv Logical. If **TRUE** exports the tibble to a csv file.
#' @param sleep_time Numeric. A value to set Sys.sleep. Useful to not overwhelm the servers when scraping at scale. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @return Always returns a tibble with same columns. If cURL request returns an error (such as if entry is deleted or servers are temporarily unavailable), returns a tibble with missing values filled with NA.
#' @export
#' @examples scrape_entry(1)
#' @examples scrape_entry(1, export_csv=TRUE)
eksi_scrape_entry <- function(entry_id, user_agent=curl_user_agent, export_csv=FALSE, sleep_time=0.05) {
Sys.sleep(sleep_time) # sleep briefly to not overwhelm servers of the website when scraping at scale
main_url <- paste0("https://eksisozluk.com/entry/",entry_id)
query <- try(xml2::read_html(curl::curl(main_url, handle = curl::new_handle("useragent"= curl_user_agent)), encoding = 'UTF-8'),silent = F)
if ("try-error" %in% class(query)) {
print(glue::glue("No data returned for Entry ID: ", entry_id))
entry <- tibble::tibble(
id= as.character(entry_id),
date_time= NA,
author_name = NA,
author_id = NA,
favourite_count =NA,
} else {
get_column <- function(x) {query %>%
rvest::html_node(xpath = x) %>%
rvest::html_text(trim = T)}
print(glue::glue("Data returned for Entry ID: ", entry_id))
entry <- tibble::tibble(
id = get_column('//*[@id="entry-item-list"]/li//@data-id'),
text= get_column('//*[@id="entry-item-list"]/li/div[1]'),
date_time= get_column('//a[@class="entry-date permalink"]//text()'),
author_name = get_column('//*[@id="entry-item-list"]/li//@data-author'),
author_id = get_column('//*[@id="entry-item-list"]/li//@data-author-id'),
favourite_count = get_column('//*[@id="entry-item-list"]/li//@data-favorite-count'),
title_id= get_column('//h1[@id="title"]//@data-id'),
title_slug= get_column('//h1[@id="title"]//@data-slug'),
if (export_csv==TRUE) {
readr::write_csv(entry, path = glue::glue(getwd(),"/eksi_entry_no_",entry_id , ".csv"))
} else {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.