Man pages for selesnow/rvkstat
R Interface to API ''

rvkstat-packageR Interface to API ''
vkAuthAuthorization in 'Vkontakte'
vkGetAdAccountsList of Advertising Account
vkGetAdAgeStatsStatistics on Audience Coverage by Age.
vkGetAdBudgetBudget of Advertising Cabinet 'Vkontakte'.
vkGetAdCampaignsCampaign list
vkGetAdCategoriesList of Possible Subjects of Advertisements
vkGetAdCityStatsStatistics on Audience Coverage in The Context of Cities.
vkGetAdClientsClient list.
vkGetAdGenderAgeStatsStatistics on Audience Coverage by Age and Gender.
vkGetAdGenderStatsStatistics on Audience Coverage by Gender.
vkGetAdPostsReachStatistics on The Coverage of Advertising Entries...
vkGetAdsList of Ads From 'Vkontakte'.
vkGetAdsLayoutAppearance of Advertisements.
vkGetAdStatisticsStatistics of advertising in 'VKontakte'.
vkGetDbCitiesCity Dictionary.
vkGetDbCountriesCountry Dictionary.
vkGetDbMetroStationsReturns a List of Metro Stations
vkGetDbRegionsRegions list.
vkGetDbSchoolsReturns a List of Schools
vkGetDbUniversitiesReturns a List of Universities
vkGetGroupMembersReturns a list of community members.
vkGetGroupStatStatistics on visiting the community in 'Vkontakte'.
vkGetGroupStatAgeCommunity Statistics by User Age Bucket
vkGetGroupStatCityStatistics of the Vkontakte community visitors by cities.
vkGetGroupStatCountriesStatistics of The Vkontakte Community Visitors By Country.
vkGetGroupStatGenderLoading data by gender of the community visitors
vkGetGroupStatGenderAgeStatistics on Age Groups And Gender of The 'VKontakte'...
vkGetGroupStatPostReachStatistics of Posts on The Community Wall.
vkGetGroupTokenGet the Access Key of Community 'Vkontakte'.
vkGetTokenGet vkontakte developer token
vkGetUserFriendsFrend List in 'Vkontakte'
vkGetUserGroupsList of 'Vkontakte' communities.
vkGetUserWallGet Posts From Userwall.
vkLoadTokenLoad vkontakte developer token
vkSettersSet rvkstat options
selesnow/rvkstat documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 12:41 p.m.