vkGetAdStatistics: Statistics of advertising in 'VKontakte'.

View source: R/vkGetAdStatistics.R

vkGetAdStatisticsR Documentation

Statistics of advertising in 'VKontakte'.


returns performance statistics for advertisements, campaigns, customers, or the entire account.


    account_id   = vkCurrentAdAccount(),
    ids_type     = c("office", "client", "campaign", "ad"),
    period       = c("day", "week", "month", "year", "overall"),
    date_from    = Sys.Date() - 30,
    date_to      = Sys.Date(),
    username     = getOption("rvkstat.username"),
    api_version  = getOption("rvkstat.api_version"),
    token_path   = vkTokenPath(),
    access_token = getOption("rvkstat.access_token")



The ID of the advertising account, a list of all available advertising offices can be obtained using the function vkGetAdAccounts.


The type of objects requested that are listed in the ids parameter. Valid ad values are ads, campaign campaigns, client clients, office office.


Vector id of the requested ads, campaigns, clients or account, depending on what is specified in the ids_type parameter.


The method of grouping data by date. day - statistics by days, month - statistics by months, overall - statistics for all time. Temporary restrictions are given by the arguments date_from and date_to.


The starting date of the displayed statistics in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


The end date of the displayed statistics in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


Your vkontakte login.


Vkontakte API version.


Path to dir with credentials


API access tokens obtained using vkAuth or vkGetToken functions


Date frame with advertising statistics with the following values:

1. id

id of the object from the ids argument.

2. day

(if the period is equal to day) day in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

3. month

(if period is equal to month) - day in the format YYYY-MM.

4. day_from

(if period is overall) the start date of the reporting period.

5. day_to

(if period is overall) end date of the reporting period.

6. type

object type from the ids_type parameter.

7. spent

money spent.

8. impressions

number of views.

9. clicks

number of unique visitors.

10. reach

(if ids_type is ad or campaign and period is equal to day or month) - coverage.

11. video_views

(if ids_type is ad) - video views (for video ads).

12. video_views_half

(if ids_type is ad) - half the video views (for video ads)

13. video_views_full

(if ids_type is ad) - views of the whole video (for video ads).

14. video_clicks_site

(if ids_type is equal to ad) - transitions to the advertiser’s website from video ads (for video ads).

15. join_rate

(if ids_type is ad or campaign) - group membership, event, subscriptions to a public page or application settings (only if the ad contains a direct link to the corresponding VK page).

16. lead_form_sends

ount of sended lead forms from your ads.


Alexey Seleznev


Documentation for API method ads.getStatistics: https://vk.com/dev/ads.getStatistics


## Not run: 
# 1.Get a static message on advertising 
# campaigns in the context of days
## 1.1. We get a list of advertising campaigns
camp <- vkGetAdCampaigns(account_id = 1, access_token = my_tok$access_token)
## 1.2. We get statistics on advertising campaigns
vk_stat_by_campaign <- vkGetAdStatistics(account_id = 1,
                                         ids_type = "campaign",
                                         ids = camp$id ,
                                         period = "day",
                                         date_from = "2010-01-01", 
                                         date_to = "2017-09-10")
# 2.Receive a static message on the ads in the context of months
## 2.1. We get a list of advertising campaigns
ads <- vkGetAds(account_id = account_id)
## 2.2. Get ad statistics
vk_stat_by_ads <- vkGetAdStatistics(account_id = 1,
                                    ids_type = "ad",
                                    ids = ads$id ,
                                    period = "month",
                                    date_from = "2010-01-01", 
                                    date_to = "2017-09-10")
# 3.Receive the general static of the advertising cabinet, in this example 
# it is assumed that the id of the advertising cabinet is 1
vk_stat_by_account <- vkGetAdStatistics(account_id = 1,
                                        ids_type = "office",
                                        ids = 1,
                                        period = "overall",
                                        date_from = "2010-01-01", 
                                        date_to = "2017-09-10")

## End(Not run)

selesnow/rvkstat documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 12:41 p.m.