#' Generate simulated X matrix (i.e. design matrix excluding intercept)
#' @param npergroup sample size in each of the two groups.
#' @param type specify study type. 'xs': Cross-sectional; 'long':longitudinal.
#' @param savecsv if savecsv = TRUE, save result to csv file.
#' @param outfile the name or connection of the file where the csv file is saved to.
#' @return a data.frame object of X matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(neurorct)
#' generate_xmat(npergroup = 30, type = "xs")
generate_xmat = function(npergroup, type = c('xs', "long"), savecsv = FALSE, file = ""){
type <- match.arg(type)
if (savecsv == TRUE & file == "") {
stop("Please specify output file path", call. = FALSE)
if (type == "xs"){
xmat = data.frame(group = rep(0:1, each = npergroup),
age = sample(20:50, 2*npergroup, replace = TRUE))
if (type == "long"){
xmat = data.frame(subject = rep(1:(npergroup*2), 2),
group = rep(rep(0:1, each = npergroup), 2),
time = rep(0:1, each = npergroup*2),
age = rep(sample(20:50, npergroup*2, replace = TRUE), 2))
if (savecsv == TRUE){
try(write.csv(xmat, file))
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