
Defines functions predict_tdl

Documented in predict_tdl

#' Prediction with incomplete-event-classifier
#' Predicts using the incomplete-event-classifier.
#' @param model The fitted incomplete-event-classifier.
#' @inheritParams td_logistic
#' @param probs If \code{TRUE}, probabilities are returned.
#' @return The predicted values using the model object. If \code{prob = TRUE}, then the probabilities are returned.
#' @examples
#' # Generate data
#' N <- 1000
#' t <- sort(rep(1:10, N))
#' set.seed(821)
#' for(kk in 1:10){
#'   if(kk==1){
#'      X <- seq(-11,9,length=N)
#'   }else{
#'      temp <- seq((-11-kk+1),(9-kk+1),length=N)
#'      X <- c(X,temp)
#'   }
#' }
#' real.a.0 <- seq(2,20, by=2)
#' real.a.1 <- rep(2,10)
#' Zstar <-real.a.0[t] + real.a.1[t]*X + rlogis(N, scale=0.5)
#' Z <- 1*(Zstar > 0)
#' # Plot data for t=1 and t=8
#' oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plot(X[t==1],Z[t==1], main="t=1 data")
#' abline(v=-1, lty=2)
#' plot(X[t==8],Z[t==8],main="t=8 data")
#' abline(v=-8, lty=2)
#' par(oldpar)
#' # Fit model
#' train_inds <-  c()
#' for(i in 0:9){train_inds <- c(train_inds , i*N + 2*(1:499))}
#' model_td <- td_logistic(t[train_inds],X[train_inds],Z[train_inds])
#' # Prediction
#' preds <- predict_tdl(model_td,t[-train_inds],X[-train_inds] )
#' sum(preds==Z[-train_inds])/length(preds)

predict_tdl <- function(model, t, X,  probs = FALSE) {
    quad <- model$quad
    interact <- model$interact
    logcols <- model$logcols

      X[,logcols] <- log(X[,logcols])

    if (quad) {
        XX <- cbind(t, X, X^2)
    } else {
        XX <- cbind(t, X)

    if (interact) {
        combos <- model$combos
          for (i in 1:dim(combos)[2]) {
            prod <- apply(X[, combos[, i]], 1, function(x) x[1] * x[2])
            XX <- cbind(XX, prod)

    out <- predict_td_logistic(model, XX, pr = probs)

sevvandi/eventstream documentation built on May 16, 2022, 11:23 a.m.