Man pages for sfrechter/physplit.analysis
Packaged and versioned Analysis functions for Shahar's cells

addnacolsReorder odour response matrix adding nas as necessary
anyid2shortidConvert any identifier / file path to Shahar's short id or...
baseline_subtract_allfreqsSubtract baseline spike rate from list of smoothed psth data
basesubtract_heatmap_cor_distAn attaempt to create a basesubtraction option first step at...
ClusterLhnDataA function for fitting Shahar's LHN data to the...
create_raw_summary_arrayCreate the raw summary array for all spikes
createSummarySpikesArrayConvert raw spike summary array into matrix or array without...
DetectVariableBaselineUsingBayesianModelSelectionA function that uses model selection to detect variability in...
EstimateResponseDelayByMomentMatchingEstimates the response delay by cross correlating the...
heatmap_anatomyheatmap for set of cells on nblast anatomy distance
heatmap_cor_distheatmap for set of cells and odours based on correlation...
jet.colorsReturn a colour palette function
physplit.analysisPackaged and versioned Analysis functions for Shahar's cells
poissonTestOdoursSFCarry out Poisson test on absolute number of spikes in odour...
prop.ciApproximate (1-alpha)100% confidence interval for proportion...
required.sample.sizeEstimate sample size to find population proportion with given...
sample_finite_populationSample from finite population with known number of true...
truepos_given_sampleEstimate distribution of true positives given sampling resuts
sfrechter/physplit.analysis documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:02 p.m.