Man pages for sgsokol/rex2arma
Convert R Code to RcppArmadillo Code

c2rtranslate C name nm_c to its original R counterpart (if found...
call2atranslation table just by name, i.e. the arguments are passed...
format1format an R object in one string
get_assignGet assignment operators
get_declGet a string with variable declaration in RcppArmadillo code
get_vartypeGet a string for variable declaration in RcppArmadillo code.
rex2armaR Expression to RcppArmadillo
rex2arma-packageConvert R Expressions to RcppArmadillo Code
rhs_eqrecursivelly get right hand side of assignement "<-" or "="...
rsca2cscatranslate R scalar types to C scalar types
rtype2rcpparmaConverts R typeof() to Rcpp and Armadillo types
st2armaTranslate an elementary R statement to RcppArmadillo
svmDetermine if an R object is a scalar, vector or matrix
symdimGet symbolic dimension of a statement (as an R code)
sgsokol/rex2arma documentation built on May 5, 2023, 12:07 a.m.