rex2arma: R Expression to RcppArmadillo

View source: R/rex2arma.R

rex2armaR Documentation

R Expression to RcppArmadillo


Translate a (simple) R code to RcppArmadillo code.


  fname = if (is.function(text) && is.symbol(substitute(text))) sprintf("%s_arma_",
    deparse(substitute(text))) else "rex_arma_",
  exec = 0,
  copy = TRUE,
  rebuild = FALSE,
  inpvars = NULL,
  outvars = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  includes = character(),
  call2a = rex2arma::call2a,
  envir = parent.frame()



A string with a code or an R expression or an R function or a plain code.


A string with a name for Rcpp function (if NULL, default to rex_arma_)


An integer from -1, 0, 1, 2 (default 0).


A logical saying to make or not a local copy of input vectors/matrices (default TRUE, i.e. make a copy).


A logical saying to rebuild or not previous Rcpp code (default FALSE, i.e. no rebuild if text does not change)


A character vector with names of input variables (default NULL, i.e. this list is automatically constructed)


A character vector with names of output variables. If there are many, they are put in a list. If outvars is named, The names are used for naming returned list items.


Logical scalar. It also passed through to the Rcpp:sourceCppp() call.


Character vector containing code included in generated C++ code before the targeted function.


An environment defining translation of R functions to C++ ones.


An environment where variable for parameter prototyping lives.


If the text is a string it is parsed. If not, it must be a valid R expression or a function or a plain code (cf. Examples).


  1. exec==0: (default) the full RcppArmadillo code is not executed it is just returned as a string;

  2. exec==-1: the same as 0 but only translated code is returned, i.e. without preamble, includes and Rcpp call;

  3. exec==1: the Rcpp function is created in the calling environment but not executed.

  4. exec==2: the c++ function is created and called too. Its output is returned as the result of rex2arma() call.

If copy==TRUE, objects inside the cpp code are created with memory copying. If copy==FLASE, the calculations are made "in place" (be carefull with that! The side effects can be very surprising). The argument rebuild is passed through to cppFunction()

If text is a function, the argument list is taken from that function and inpvars is not consulted.

If outvars is NULL, all variables that appear on the left hand side will be returned. If text is a function, the output is taken from it and outvars is not consulted.


a string with generated code or the result of calculation depending on exec (cf. Details)


The converted R code is executed in a dedicated environement. So it is better to call rex2arma when input variables are small vectors/matrices.

Input variables must be of most generic type during rex2arma() call. For example, if a is supposed to be float, don't set just a <- 1:2 which will be of type integer. Instead use a <- 1:2+0.1 or something alike.


  1. no implicit vector recycling in term-by-term operations

  2. symbols "T" and "F" are converted to "true" and "false"

  3. no global assignement <<-

  4. and last but not least, no guaranty that produced code works as expected even if it compiles without error

Allowed operators and calls are: binary: '+', '-', '*', '/', ' calls: t(), [qr.]solve(), ginv(), diag() nrow(), ncol(), norm() element-wise mathematical functions having the same syntaxe in R and Armadillo: sqrt(), abs() etc.;

Code conventions

R variables are considered as one of the following type (typeof(var) -> Rcpp; arma) (-"- means that the type has no its own equivalent in arma and kept as in Rcpp):

  1. list -> List; -"-

  2. character -> Character; -"-

  3. numeric -> double; -"-

  4. double -> double; -"-"

  5. integer -> int; sword

  6. function -> Function; -"-

  7. logical -> Logical; -"-

Depending on dimension of numeric, integer, character, logical variable it can be one the following structures in Rcpp/arma: Rcpp / Armadillo types: - Integer,Numeric,Complex,CharacterVector/ivec,vec,cx_vec,-"- - Integer,Numeric,Complex,CharacterMatrix/imat,mat,cx_mat,-"-


a=1:3; b=a+3; # NB. Inputs a and b are defined before a call to rex2arma()
# \code{text} is a string:
code=rex2arma("a+b", exec=0)

# \code{text} is a function
f=function(a, b) a+b
code=rex2arma(f, exec=0)

# \code{text} is a plain R code
code=rex2arma(a+b, exec=0)
code=rex2arma({inner=a%*%b; outer=a%o%b}, exec=0)

# \code{text} is an expression
e=parse(text="{s=a+b; d=a-b}")
code=rex2arma(e, exec=0)

# to execute the produced code:
# or simply
#(result=rex2arma("a+b", exec=2))

sgsokol/rex2arma documentation built on May 5, 2023, 12:07 a.m.