sgutreuter/screenr: Construction of Binary Test-Screening Rules

Package screenr enables easy development and validation of diagnostic test screening tools. It is designed to enable those with only a basic familiarity with R to develop, validate and implement screening tools for diagnostic tests. Consider the situation where a definitive test for some condition is relatively expensive, and the condition is rare. In that case, universal testing would not be efficient in terms of the yield of postive results per test performed. Now suppose that responses to a set of simple diagnostic questions or observations may be predictive of the definitive test result. Package screenr enables estimation of thresholds for making decisions about when to perform the definitive test on newly observed subjects based on Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) estimated from an initial sample. The choice of a particular screening threshold is left to the user, and should be based on careful consideration of application- specific tradeoffs between sensitivity (true positive fraction) and specificity (true negative fraction).

Getting started

Package details

LicenseMIT + file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
sgutreuter/screenr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2022, 2:41 a.m.