
#' Boosted Regression Tree
#' This Class represents a Boosted Regression Tree model objects and hosts all
#' the information related to the model.
#' @slot distribution character. Name of the used distribution.
#' @slot n.trees integer. Maximum number of grown trees.
#' @slot interaction.depth integer. Maximum depth of each tree.
#' @slot shrinkage numeric. The shrinkage parameter.
#' @slot bag.fraction numeric. Random fraction of data used in the tree
#' expansion.
#' @slot model \link{gbm}. The Boosted Regression Tree model object.
#' @details See \link{gbm} for the meaning of the slots.
#' @rdname BRT-class
#' @export
#' @author Sergio Vignali
BRT <- setClass("BRT",
                slots = c(
                  distribution = "character",
                  n.trees = "numeric",
                  interaction.depth = "numeric",
                  shrinkage = "numeric",
                  bag.fraction = "numeric",
                  model = "gbm")

#' @param object BRT object
#' @rdname BRT-class
          signature = "BRT",
          definition = function(object) {
            int <- object@interaction.depth

            cli::cli_h2("Object of class: {.cls {class(object)}}")

            cli::cli_text("Method: {.emph Boosted Regression Trees}")


            cli::cli_li("{.field distribution}: {.val {object@distribution}}")
            cli::cli_li("{.field n.trees}: {.val {object@n.trees}}")
            cli::cli_li("{.field interaction.depth}: {.val {int}}")
            cli::cli_li("{.field shrinkage}: {.val {object@shrinkage}}")
            cli::cli_li("{.field bag.fraction}: {.val {object@bag.fraction}}")
sgvignali/SDMtune documentation built on July 20, 2023, 1:45 a.m.