Man pages for shadieshghi/TargetedMSQC
TargetedMSQC for Automated Quality Assessment of Targeted Mass Spectrometry Data

ApplyPeakBoundaryExtract the peak from a chromatogram by restricting the...
ApplyQCModelApply a binary predictive peak QC model to flag peaks that...
BuildPeakGroupConvert a dataframe with Times and Intensities columns into a...
CalculateElutionShiftCompute elution shift of a transition peak relative to a...
CalculateFWHMCompute FWHM and ratio of FWHM to peak width at base for...
CalculateJaggednessCompute the jaggedness score for a transition peak.
CalculateMaxBoundaryIntensityCompute maximum intensity at the peak boundary of each...
CalculateModalityCompute modality scores for transition peaks in a peak group...
CalculatePeakElutionShiftCompute pairwise elution shift of transition peaks in a peak...
CalculatePeakJaggednessCompute jaggedness scores for transition peaks in a peak...
CalculatePeakMaxIntensityCompute maximum intensity of each transition peak in a peak...
CalculatePeakShapeSimilarityCompute similarity scores for transition peaks in a peak...
CalculatePeakSymmetryCompute symmetry scores for transition peaks in a peak group...
CalculateTransitionSumCompute the sum of transition peaks in a peak group of class...
CleanUpChromatogramsConvert the exported skyline chromatogram and peak boundary...
ExtractFeaturesCalculate an ensemble of QC features/metrics for a dataset... S3 method for peakObj peakObj object is...
MakeDataSetCreate the dataset used as input to the TrainQCModel...
MakeTemplateCreate a training set template that can be shared with an...
peakObj-classA custom class for storing single peaks or multiple peaks...
PlotChromPeakPlot the chromatographic peaks of class peakObj
PlotQCReportDraws violin plots to show distribution of QC features for a...
TargetedMSQCTargetedMSQC: a tool for quality assessment and interference...
TrainQCModelTrain a binary classification model to flag peaks with poor...
ViolinPlotQCSummaryGraph violin plots to visualize distribution of QC features...
shadieshghi/TargetedMSQC documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:20 p.m.