Man pages for shamansim/Vizection
Visualisation and dissection of single-cell transcriptomics big datasets

addGroupNameAdd group name to samples
addNumberOfSamplesAdd number to group names
contentgenesPCAVizection's Principal Component Analysis
contentheatmapGenesPlots Vizection's heatmap of correlations.
corMatCalculate a correlation matrix.
distCorMatConvert correlation to distance
filterSelectionBoolApply filters to samples
genesDendComplete hierarchical clustering
genesDend2Cluster a distance matrix with the complete method.
plotEigenValuesPlot Eigen Values
plotHTBplot head and tail as barplot.
UNaddNumberOfSamplesOrGroupClear sample or group names.
vizectionLaunch the Vizection shiny application.
vizectionExampleEnvvizection example environment
vizectionExampleGenesvizection example "genes" table
vizectionExampleLibsvizection example "libs" table
vizectionValidateValidate objects passed to Vizection
shamansim/Vizection documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:06 p.m.