Man pages for sharksmhi/tryout
Automatic quality control of physical, chemical and marine biological data generated by the SHARK system

cerberuscerberus: Automatic quality control of physical, chemical and...
check_datatypeCheck if the required and recommended global and...
check_depthCheck which points have potentially invalid depths.
check_onlandCheck which points are located on land.
check_outliers_datasetCheck which points are spatial dataset outliers.
check_outliers_speciesCheck which points are spatial dataset outliers.
lookup_xyLookup spatial data for a set of points.
plot_mapPlot occurrences on a map.
plot_map_leafletCreate a Leaflet map.
plot_outliersPlot spatial and environmental outliers
reportCreates a basic data quality report.
sharkdataExample data from SHARK
sharksmhi/tryout documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 5:34 a.m.