
Defines functions save_graph set_size_output

Documented in save_graph set_size_output

#' Save ggplot object with fixed size
#' @param ggplot_object: a ggplot object to save
#' @param filename: File name containing an extension (.jpg, .pdf, ...)
#' @param path (optional): Set by default to the current folder
#' @param ... other arguments passed to ggplot2::ggsave()
#' @export
save_graph <- function(ggplot_object, filename, path = "./", type.output ="FS", ... ){

  if(type.output != "FS" & type.output != "report" ){
    stop("Type of outut is invalid. Please choose between FS (factsheet) and report.")
  if(is.null(ggplot_object)){ #| !ggplot2::is.ggplot(ggplot_object) objet grid.arrange -> verifier la class
    stop("Please enter a valid value to ggplot_object parameter. It has to be a ggplot object.")
  if(is.null(filename) | !is.character(filename)){
    stop("Please enter a valid value to filename parameter.")

  if(!("ggsave_parameters" %in% names(attributes(ggplot_object)))){
    stop("can only save ggplot objects produced with visualisationIMPACT")


  if(!("num_bar" %in% names(ggsave_parameters))){
    stop("Can not find number of element in plot")
  if(!("direction_plot" %in% names(ggsave_parameters))){
    stop("Can not find orientation of the plot")

  num_element <- attributes(ggplot_object)$ggsave_parameters$num_bar #bar ou boxplot
  direction_plot <- attributes(ggplot_object)$ggsave_parameters$direction_plot
  max_length_label <- attributes(ggplot_object)$ggsave_parameters$max_length_label
  max_length_numbers <- attributes(ggplot_object)$ggsave_parameters$max_length_numbers

  ## calculate width and height
  list_size <- set_size_output(type = type.output , as.numeric(num_element), direction_plot, as.numeric(max_length_label), as.numeric(max_length_numbers))

  ggsave_parameters <- list(width = list_size$width, height = list_size$height, plot = ggplot_object, filename = filename, path = path, units = "cm")

  do.call(ggsave, ggsave_parameters)


#' Set height and width parameters for saving ggplot object
#' @param type: type of the output ( Factsheet or report)
#' @param num_element: Numbers of elements on the plot (number of bars or boxplots)
#' @param direction_plot: Direction of the plot. Can be vertical or horizontal
#' @export
set_size_output <- function(type , num_element, direction_plot, max_length_label, max_length_numbers){
  if(direction_plot != "vertical" & direction_plot != "horizontal"){
    stop("Please enter a valid direction: horizontal or vertical")
  if(type !="report" & type !="FS"){
    stop("Please enter a valid type of output: FS or report")

  widthA4 <- 21
  heightA4 <- 29.7

  if(type == "FS"){
    widthFS = (widthA4-3)/2
    heightFS = (heightA4-3.7)/4

    if(direction_plot == "vertical"){
      height = heightFS
      width = num_element*0.85

      if(max_length_label >= 15){
        should_be <- height*0.3*max_length_label/15
        height <- should_be / 0.3 ## 30% of the output graph for labels
        warning("This is not a Factsheet format any more. Height greater than A4/4")

      if(max_length_numbers != 0 & max_length_numbers >= 6){
        width <- width*max_length_numbers/6      }
      if(max_length_numbers ==0){
        width <- num_element*1.7

      if(height >= heightA4){
        warning("The optimal height of your plot is larger than height of A4 format. You should consider to remove some categories")

      if(width >= widthA4){
        warning("The width is larger than A4 format width. You should consider have smaller labels.")

    else{ ## horizontal
      width = widthFS
      if(max_length_label >= 15){
        should_be <- width*0.3*max_length_label/15
        width <- should_be / 0.3

      if(max_length_numbers != 0 & max_length_numbers >= 6){
        should_be <- width*0.2*max_length_numbers/6
        width <- should_be /0.2

      height = num_element*0.75
      if(max_length_numbers ==0){
        height <- height + 3
      if(height >= heightA4){
        warning("The optimal height of your plot is larger than height of A4 format. You should consider to remove some categories")

      if(width >= widthA4){
        warning("The width is larger than A4 format width. You should consider have smaller labels.")



  if(type == "report"){
    widthReport = (widthA4-3)
    heightReport = (heightA4-3.7)/2

    if(direction_plot == "vertical"){
      height = heightReport
      width = num_element*1.4

      if(max_length_label >= 20){
        should_be <- height*0.3*max_length_label/20
        height <- should_be / 0.3
        warning("This is not a Factsheet format any more. Height greater than A4/4")

      if(max_length_numbers != 0 & max_length_numbers >= 5){
        width <- width*max_length_numbers/5    }
      if(max_length_numbers ==0){
        width <- num_element*1.7

      if(height >= heightA4){
        warning("The optimal height of your plot is larger than height of A4 format. You should consider to remove some categories")

      if(width >= widthA4){
        warning("The width is larger than A4 format width. You should consider have smaller labels.")

    else{ ## horizontal
      width = widthReport
      if(max_length_label >= 15){
        should_be <- width*0.3*max_length_label/15
        width <- should_be / 0.3

      if(max_length_numbers != 0 & max_length_numbers >= 6){
        should_be <- width*0.2*max_length_numbers/6
        width <- should_be /0.2

      height = num_element*1.2
      if(max_length_numbers == 0){
        height <- height + 3
      if(height >= heightA4){
        warning("The optimal height of your plot is larger than height of A4 format. You should consider to remove some categories")

      if(width >= widthA4){ ## sort un plot quand meme
        warning("The width is larger than A4 format width. You should consider have smaller labels.")



  list_size <- list(height = height, width = width)
sharonorengo/visualisationIMPACT documentation built on Aug. 12, 2019, 3:34 p.m.