chirInfo: Chironomid ecological information

Description Usage Format References


chirInfo is a data frame tabulating several aspects of chironomid ecology into a single file.

The chirInfo data frame contains the following 18 columns:




A data frame containing 211 observations of 18 variables.


Brooks SJ, Langdon PG, Heiri O (2007) The identification and use of Palaearctic Chironomidae larvae in paleoecology. Quat Res (London): Technical Guide no. 10.

Coffman WP (1978) Chironomidae. pp. 345-376. In: Merrit, RW, Cummins KW (Eds). An introduction of aquatic insects of North America. Kendall Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, 441p

Quinlan R, Smol JP (2001) Chironomid-based inference models for estimating end-of-summer hypolimnetic oxygen from south-central Ontario shield lakes. Freshwater Biology 46: 1529-1551

Quinlan R, Smol JP (2010) Use of Chaoborus subfossil mandibles in models for inferring past hypolimnetic oxygen. Journal of Paleolimnology 44: 43-50

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