vwhoQuinlan2010: The Dipteran-Volume Weighted Hypolimnetic Oxygen (VWHO)...

Description Usage Format


vwhoQuinlan2010 is a 54x47 data frame containing the VWHO concentrations and sedimentary midge (chironomid and chaoborid) assemblage data for the 54 lake south-central Ontario calibration set described in Quinlan and Smol (2001, 2010).

The purpose of this dataset is to facilitate reproducing the described midge-inferred VWHO model for application to down-core midge sedimentary assemblage data.

Information on each lake (i.e. latitude, longitude, etc) and the 44 taxa included in the model are provided in Quinlan and Smol (2001,2010).

The vwhoQuinlan2010 data frame contains the following 47 columns:




A data frame containing 54 observations of 47 variables.

shiggo/jezioro documentation built on Sept. 7, 2020, 7:34 p.m.