
#' @title
#' Create a PTTmineR object
#' @description
#' Imaging that PTTmineR object is a data center. You can store the data
#'  on each crawling task. This design method is to make it easier for
#'  users to manage the data they crawl on each crawling task.
#' @param task.name a string. the name of miner's task
#' @examples
#' # create PTTmineR object
#' \dontrun{rookie_miner <- PTTmineR$new(task.name = "first_task")}
#' # print the summary information of rookie_miner
#' \dontrun{rookie_miner}
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @md

PTTmineR <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "PTTmineR",
  lock_objects = FALSE,
  public = list(
    #' @description
    #' overrides the default behaviour of `$new()`
    #' @param task.name a string. the name of miner's task
    initialize = function(task.name) {

      if (!is.character(task.name)) {
        abort_bad_argument("task.name", must = "be character", not = task.name)

      private$.meta_obj$task_name <- task.name
      private$.spinner$mine_monkey <- make_spinner(which = "monkey")
      private$.spinner$update_runner <- make_spinner(which = "runner")

      self$result_dt$post_info_dt <-
          "post_id" = "dummy",
          "post_author" = "dummy",
          "post_category" = "dummy",
          "post_title" = "dummy",
          "post_date_time" = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01"),
          "post_ip" = "dummy",
          "post_country" = "dummy",
          "post_content" = "dummy",
          "post_board" = "dummy"

      self$result_dt$post_comment_dt <-
          "post_id" = "dummy",
          "push_type" = "dummy",
          "push_id" = "dummy",
          "push_content" = "dummy",
          "push_ip" = "dummy",
          "push_date_time" = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01")


    #' @field result_dt
    #'  a list of following result data.table:
    #' - post_info_dt: the data.table type post's information.
    #' - post_comment_dt: the data.table type post's comments.
    result_dt = list(post_info_dt = NULL,
                     post_comment_dt = NULL),

    #' @description
    #' print the summary information of PTTmineR object
    print = function(){
      cli_text(" *** PTTMINER *** ")
      cli_li("task name: {private$.meta_obj$task_name}")
      cli_li("total posts: {private$.meta_obj$total_posts}")
      cli_li("total comments: {private$.meta_obj$total_comments}")
      cli_li("miner's size: {private$.meta_obj$corpus_size}")
      cli_li("last crawling date time: {private$.meta_obj$last_crawl_date}")

  private = list(
    .meta_obj = list(
      task_name = NULL,
      total_posts = NA,
      total_comments = NA,
      last_crawl_date = NA,
      corpus_size = NA
    .helper_obj = list(
      f2_sep_term = "\u203b \u767c\u4fe1\u7ad9: \u6279\u8e22\u8e22\u5be6\u696d\u574a(ptt.cc)",
      r_list_sep = "<div class=\"r-list-sep\"></div>",
      ptt_short_url = "https://www.ptt.cc",
      ptt_long_url = "https://www.ptt.cc/bbs"
    .mutable_obj = list(target_board = NULL),
    .error_log = list(error_occur = FALSE,
                      error_url = NULL),
    .spinner = list(mine_monkey = NULL,
                    update_runner = NULL)
shihjyun/PTTmineR documentation built on Oct. 22, 2020, 2:46 a.m.