
rater is a package for the R programming languages that implements a number of rating and ranking methods.

The project website is

You can install this package using devtools at the R command line. First, make sure that devtools is installed.


Then use the install_github function to install the package from GitHub.


Current Features

The scope of the package is currently very limited. Development is in a very early phase; expect breaking changes.

The functions massey and massey_adv return the Massey and advanced Massey ratings, respectively. These ratings are based on points scored, but any useful metric can be used.

The function colley returns the Colley ratings based on net wins.

The function markov returns the Markov ratings based on a stochastic matrix provided by the user. This method has tremendous flexibility, as the transition probabilities can be based on anything that proves useful. In the context of sports this can be wins, points scored, or other sport-specific statistics. The principal is the same as the PageRank algorithm.

The function kendall computes a modification of the Kendall τ coefficient.

The function od creates ranking for offense, defense, and a combined total rating. This method is flexible. You can obtain offense and defense ratings for any facet of the competition in question.

Plots for comparing two ranking lists are provided by rankplots.

shinault/rater documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:35 a.m.