Man pages for shinault/rater
Ratings and Rankings for Anything

colleyCompute ratings from Colley matrix and net win differential
combine_rankgraphsCreate graph object for two distinct graph objects
get_pairsAuxiliary function, not for export Returns a list of...
helloHello, World!
kendallReturn a variant of the Kendall tau-a correlation for two...
markovCompute ratings from a stochastic matrix
masseyCompute ratings from Massey matrix and net point...
massey_advCompute the offensive, defensive, and total ratings for each...
node_labelsGet the node labels for each ranking
rankgraphCreate the graph object for two rankings
rankplotRender the graph for two rankings
unrankedGet the unranked items for each list in the comparison
zipitAuxiliary function, not for export Returns a list of...
shinault/rater documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:35 a.m.