Man pages for shirewoman2/LaurasHelpers
Miscellaneous Helper Functions for Common PK or Analytical Chemistry Tasks

CandidatesContributions to King County, WA, 2020 political candidates
centerBinCut a set of numeric data into bins based on the middle value...
ConcTimeExample concentration-time data
CotinineExample data for converting data.frames from long to wide...
countWordsCount the number of words in each item in a vector or list
cutNumericCut numeric data into bins with vector output
dateConvConvert dates from numbers to Date
elimFitCalculate the elimination rate(s) for a concentration-time...
ExStdCurveExample data for using stdCurve function
findAllDupFind locations of all duplicates, not just the first
formatXLFormat data with font colors, font sizes, alignments,...
formatXL_headSave an Excel file with standard formatting for the header...
gg_color_hueSelect colors evenly spaced around the color wheel
gm_95CICalculate the geometric 95 percent confidence interval
gm_meanCalculate the geometric mean
gm_sdCalculate the geometric standard deviation
importChromImport an Agilent MassHunter chromatogram from a csv file...
mean_sdCalculate mean +/- sd or other parameters with appropriate...
MetforminExample data for data manipulation, graphing
noncompAUCCalculate the AUC using the trapezoidal rule
OxycodoneExample data for data manipulation, graphing
PetsExample data for joining data.frames
starSigAdd stars to an appropriately rounded p value to indicate...
stdCurveFit data to a standard curve
stdCurve_fitcompareCompare two fitted standard curves
str_commaCollapse a vector of character strings into one readable...
str_split_altSplit a string of text by a specified pattern and return a...
StudentsExample data for data manipulation, data checking, etc.
timeConvConvert times from numbers to POSIXct
tukeyStarggplot2 boxplots of ANOVA results
UWsalariesSalaries of University of Washington employees from 2014-2018...
WALegContributions to candidates for the Washington State...
whichDifDetermine which columns differ in a two-row data.frame
shirewoman2/LaurasHelpers documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 2:07 p.m.