pedigree.shrink: Shrink pedigree object

View source: R/pedigree.shrink.R

pedigree.shrinkR Documentation

Shrink pedigree object


Shrink pedigree object to specified bit size with priority placed on trimming uninformative subjects. The algorithm is useful for getting a pedigree condensed to a minimally informative size for algorithms or testing that are limited by size of the pedigree.


pedigree.shrink(ped, avail, affected = NULL, maxBits = 16)

## S3 method for class 'pedigree.shrink'
print(x, ...)



Pedigree object created by the pedigree function,


Vector of binary availability status (0/1), i.e. having data, or sample available


Vector of binary affected status (0/1/NA). If NULL, uses first column of the pedigree object affected matrix.


Optional, the bit size for which to shrink the pedigree


Pedigree.shrink object used in method functions


Optional arguments passed to internal functions


Iteratively remove subjects from the pedigree. The random removal of members was previously controlled by a seed argument, but we remove this, forcing users to control randomness outside the function. First remove uninformative subjects, i.e., unavailable (not genotyped) with no available descendants. Next, available terminal subjects with unknown phenotype if both parents available. Last, iteratively shrinks pedigrees by preferentially removing individuals (chosen at random if there are multiple of the same status): 1. Subjects with unknown affected status 2. Subjects with unaffected affected status 3. Affected subjects.


Pedigree object shrinked to the desired size


Original by Dan Schaid, updated to kinship2 by Jason Sinnwell

See Also

pedigree, plot.pedigree.shrink


pedAll <- with(sample.ped,pedigree(id, father, mother, sex,
    affected=cbind(affected, avail), famid=ped)
ped1 <- pedAll['1']
ped1trim <- pedigree.shrink(ped1, maxBits=12)

sinnweja/kinship2 documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:26 p.m.