Man pages for sirusb/R3CPET
3CPET: Finding Co-factor Complexes in Chia-PET experiment using a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process

annotateExpression-methodsAdd the gene expression attribute to the graph nodes
BiogridBiogrid Network
buildNetworks-methodsBuilding interaction networks connecting interacting regions
ChiapetExperimentData-class3CPET used raw data
ChromMaintainers-classChomatin maintainer networks
chromosomsHuman chromosom lenghts
cluesOrSota-classWrapper for 'clues' and 'sota' S3 classes
clusterInteractions-methodsGrouping DNA interactions by enrichment profile
CreateCenteredBED-methodsCreate centered interactions
createIndexes-methodsPreparing TF indexes per region
createServer-methodsExplore results in a web browser
EnsemblToHGNCEnsemble to HGNC conversion
EntrezToHGNCEntrez to HGNC conversion
geneLocationsNucleus located genes
GenerateNetworks-methodsGenerate a list of 'igraph' networks
getRegionsIncluster-methodslist of interactions per cluster
getRegionsInNetwork-methodslist of interactions per network
GOEnrich-methodsGO enrichment methods
HLDAResult-classClass '"HLDAResult"'
HPRDHPRD protein interaction Network
InferNetworks-methodsNetwork construction using Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
loadPETs-methodsParsing ChIA-PET interaction data
loadPPI-methodsSetting the background protein-protein interaction
loadTFBS-methodsLoading TF binding sites
NetworkCollection-classprotein interaction networks maintaining DNA loops
outputGenesPerClusterToDir-methodsList of genes in each cluster
outputGenesPerNetworkToDir-methodsList of genes controlled by each network
plotRes-methodsPlotting clustering results
plotTrackPlot interaction on a genomic track
PrepareData-methodsLoading the raw data all at once
R3CPET-package3CPET: Finding Co-factor Complexes in Chia-PET experiment...
RPKMSA gene expression dataset
updateResults-methodsupdate top maintain networks elements
visualizeCircos-methodsGenerate circos plot per cluster
visualizeInteractions-methodsDisplay a Circos plot of ChIA-pet interactions
sirusb/R3CPET documentation built on Oct. 12, 2020, 6 p.m.