Man pages for sistm/sistmr
A Collection of Utility Functions from the Inserm/Inria SISTM Team

BlandAltmanPlotBland-Altman plot function
colorDendroColor the dendrogram labels
counts_normalizationCalulate CPM Normalization for Raw Gene Expression Counts
dataMngt_piechartFunction to manage data for the piecharts of...
draw_pie_arcsDraw pie charts with arcs
ICS_dataIntracellular cytokine staining (ICS) data
multipleBoxplotsMultiple boxplots for many times
pol2cartConvert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
Polyfunctionnality_piechartPiecharts for polyfunctionnality of ICS data The complete...
PVCAPerforms a Principal Variance Component Analysis (PVCA) and...
volcanoPlotVolcano plot function
sistm/sistmr documentation built on March 8, 2024, 3:05 a.m.