
# -----------3. Model testing-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Make predictions using a model
#' Generic function for testing a model by making predictions
# Arguments:
#'@param  	model	A classification or regression model
#'@param		data	The list of train and holdout data sets
#'@param		test	The test being conducted
#'@param    ...   Extra arguments to make_predictions
#'@importFrom stats predict
make_predictions <- function(model, data, test, ...) UseMethod("make_predictions")

#'@describeIn make_predictions This function is a simple wrapper to \code{\link[stats]{predict}}, which it with the trained model and holdout data. Model classes that require extra arguments to predict can do so through a separate implementations or, less desirably, through the extra arguments.
make_predictions.default <- function(model, data, test, ...){
  predict(model, newdata=data$holdout, ...)

#'@describeIn make_predictions Calls predict.rpart with appropriate type: "class" for classifcation problems and "vector" for regression problems. Other problem types are not supported, providing a test with another class throws an error.
#'@seealso predict.rpart
make_predictions.rpart <- function(model, data, test, ...){
  type <- ""
    type <- "class"
  else if (class(test)=="regression"){
    type <- "vector"
  else {
    stop(paste("Tests of type", class(test), "are not supported by make_predictions.rpart"))
  predict(model, newdata=data$holdout, type=type,...)

#' @describeIn make_predictions Calls predict.boosting on the created model
make_predictions.boosting <- function(model, data, test, ...){
 # print("Called adaboost")
  predictions <- predict(model, newdata = data$holdout)

#' @describeIn make_predictions Calls predict.gbm on the created model with \code{n.trees} = 100
make_predictions.gbm <- function(model, data, test, ...){
  predictions <- predict(model, newdata = data$holdout, n.trees = 100)
sjoerdvds/crtests documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:05 a.m.