
Defines functions is.ra is.sp

Documented in is.ra is.sp

#' Function to test if an R object is a Spatial* data-type. 
#' @param x Object to be tested.
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @return Logical vector with length of 1. 
#' @export
is.sp <- function(x) {
  if (grepl("spatial", sp_class(x), ignore.case = TRUE)) TRUE else FALSE

#' Function to test if an R object is a Raster* data-type. 
#' @param x Object to be tested.
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @return Logical vector with length of 1. 
#' @export
is.ra <- function(x) {
  if (grepl("raster", class(x), ignore.case = TRUE)) TRUE else FALSE
skgrange/gissr documentation built on June 20, 2024, 12:02 a.m.