
Defines functions sp_transform

Documented in sp_transform

#' Convenience function to transform a spatial object's projection system to 
#' WGS84 latitude and longitude. 
#' \code{sp_transform} is a simple wrapper for \code{spTransform} which has 
#' been written so spatial objects can be transformed quickly without the need 
#' to remember the WGS84 proj4 string. \code{sp_transform} will force projections
#' when the spatial object contains no projection information. 
#' \code{sp_transform} will also work for raster layers. 
#' @param sp Spatial object which is to be transformed.
#' @param to A proj4 string for the projection-transformation. Default is the 
#' WGS84 string. 
#' @param warn Should the functions raise a warning when the projection is forced?
#' @seealso \code{\link{spTransform}}, \code{\link{sp_projection}}, 
#' \code{\link{projection_wgs84}}
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load a shape file of canal locks for the UK
#' sp_locks <- sp_read("uk-canals", "locks")
#' # Print projection string
#' sp_projection(sp_locks)
#' # Convert the shape file's projection (UK's Ordnance Survey National Grid)
#' to WGS84 latitude and longitude
#' sp_locks <- sp_transform(sp_locks)
#' # Print projection string
#' sp_projection(sp_locks)
#' }
#' @export
sp_transform <- function(sp, to = NA, warn = TRUE) {
  # Default
  if (is.na(to)) to <- projection_wgs84()
  if (!grepl("raster", class(sp), ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    # If no projection
    if (is.na(sp_projection(sp))) {
      # Warn
      if (warn) {
          "Spatial object has no projection, the projection has been forced...",
          call. = FALSE
      # Now force, suppression is for "discarded datum" warning
        proj4string(sp) <- to
    } else {
      # Otherwise convert projection system
        sp <- spTransform(sp, CRS(to))
  } else {
    # Get z values, this is stripped when transforming projection
    z_value <- raster::getZ(sp)
    # When no projection is present
    if (is.na(raster::crs(sp))) {
      if (warn) {
          "Raster object has no projection, the projection has been forced...",
          call. = FALSE
        raster::crs(sp) <- to
    } else {
      # Transform projection system
        sp <- raster::projectRaster(sp, crs = to)
    # Add z value again
    sp <- raster::setZ(sp, z_value, name = "date")

skgrange/gissr documentation built on June 20, 2024, 12:02 a.m.