
Defines functions calculate_date_summaries_worker calculate_date_summaries

Documented in calculate_date_summaries

#' Function to calculate summaries of dates for a continuous time series. 
#' \code{calculate_date_summaries} will pad the time series before aggregation
#' to ensure all date steps are present in the return. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @param df Input tibble. \code{df} must contain \code{date} and \code{value} 
#' variables. The \code{date} variable must be a \code{POSIXct} date class and
#' the value must be a \code{numeric} data type. 
#' @param ... Grouping variables/specification for the summaries. If location
#' and variable variables are contained in \code{df}, these will usually be 
#' used as groups. If a column/variable is used, wind direction (\code{wd}) will
#' be processed with vector functions. 
#' @param interval What interval should the aggregation be? English names and 
#' multiples of time intervals are accepted. For example, a valid \code{interval}
#' is \code{"5 mins"}. 
#' @param drop_n Should the count of non-missing elements (\code{n}) be dropped
#' from the return? 
#' @param drop_date_end Should the \code{date_end} variable be dropped from the
#' return? 
#' @param use_data_table Should the \code{data.table} backend be used for the
#' aggregation calculations? 
#' @param verbose Should the function give messages? 
#' @param progress Should a progress bar be displayed? 
#' @return Tibble. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{aggregate_by_date}}, \code{\link{time_pad}}
#' @export
calculate_date_summaries <- function(df, ..., interval = "hour", drop_n = FALSE, 
                                     drop_date_end = FALSE, 
                                     use_data_table = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, 
                                     progress = FALSE) {
  # Check the inputs
  stopifnot("date" %in% names(df) && lubridate::is.POSIXct(df$date))
    "value" %in% names(df) && 
      inherits(df$value, "numeric") | 
      inherits(df$value, "integer")
  # No missing dates are allowed
  if (anyNA(df$date)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Missing dates detected.")
  # Catch the n arguments that are used for grouping the tibble, called a defuse
  # operation
  dots <- dplyr::enquos(..., .named = TRUE)
  # Has a variable been passed? 
  has_variable <- "variable" %in% names(dots)
  # Nest the tibble
  df_nest <- df %>% 
    group_by(!!!dots) %>% 
    dplyr::nest_by(.key = "observations",
                   .keep = FALSE)
  # Print a message
  if (verbose) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("{cli_date()} `{nrow(df_nest)}` group{?s} to summarise...")

  # Pull the nested tibbles
  list_agg <- pull(df_nest, observations)
  # Add variable name because it is used for some logic in the worker
  if (has_variable) {
    list_agg <- purrr::set_names(list_agg, df_nest$variable)
  # Do the aggregation
  list_agg <- list_agg %>%
        .x, .y, interval = interval, use_data_table, verbose = verbose
      .progress = progress
  # Add to aggregated tibbles to nested object and reframe to keep the 
  # identifiers
  df_agg <- df_nest %>% 
    mutate(observations = !!list_agg) %>% 
  # Drop count/n if desired
  if (drop_n) {
    df_agg <- select(df_agg, -n)
  # Drop date_end if desired
  if (drop_date_end) {
    df_agg <- select(df_agg, -date_end)

calculate_date_summaries_worker <- function(df, name, interval, use_data_table, 
                                            verbose) {
  # Switch some intervals if needed
  interval <- dplyr::case_when(
    interval == "minute" ~ "min",
    .default = interval
  ) %>% 
  # Get date range
  date_range <- range(df$date)
  # Round to nearest date boundaries
  date_start <- lubridate::floor_date(date_range[1], interval)
  date_end <- lubridate::ceiling_date(date_range[2], interval)
  # Create a sequence with all dates present, used for padding the time series
  date_sequence <- seq(date_start, date_end, by = interval)
  # Drop final element of sequence because of the ceiling date rounding
  date_sequence <- head(date_sequence, -1)
  # Create a tibble for joining
  df_date_sequence <- tibble(date = date_sequence)
  # Join the observations to the date sequence tibble, the padding operation
  df_join <- dplyr::full_join(df_date_sequence, df, by = join_by(date))
  # Create a lazy data.table for better grouped performance
  if (use_data_table) {
    df_join <- dtplyr::lazy_dt(df_join)
  # Add date grouping
  df <- df_join %>% 
    mutate(date = lubridate::floor_date(date, interval)) %>% 
  if (name == "wd") {
    # Calculate average wind direction
    if (verbose) {
        "{cli_date()} Wind direction (`wd`) variable detected, calculating average wd..."
    # Use the correct logic for wind direction
    df <- df %>% 
      summarise(n = sum(!is.na(value)),
                value = mean_wd(value, na.rm = TRUE),
                .groups = "drop")
  } else {
    # Standard use, the mean
    df <- df %>% 
      summarise(n = sum(!is.na(value)),
                value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
                .groups = "drop")
  # Calculate and add `date_end`, as_tibble is needed for
  df <- df %>% 
      date_end = lubridate::ceiling_date(
        date, unit = interval, change_on_boundary = TRUE
      ) - 1
    ) %>% 
skgrange/threadr documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 6:54 p.m.