
Defines functions get_remote_file_worker get_remote_file

Documented in get_remote_file

#' Function to get/download file from an \code{URL}. 
#' @param file_remote Vector of \code{URL}s/remote file names. 
#' @param file_local Vector of local file names, the destination files for 
#' \code{file_remote}. 
#' @param verbose Should the function give messages about download progress? 
#' @param mode Mode with which to write the file.
#' @param method Method for downloading remote files. 
#' @param cache_ok Is a server-side cached value acceptable?
#' @param sleep If a number, this is the number of seconds to sleep between 
#' download iterations. This can help with keeping some web servers happy. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{download.file}}
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @export
get_remote_file <- function(file_remote, file_local, verbose = TRUE, mode = "w", 
                            method = "auto", cache_ok = TRUE, sleep = FALSE) {
  # Check
  stopifnot(length(file_remote) == length(file_local))
  # Build data frame
  df <- tibble(
    verbose = verbose,
    mode = mode,
    method = method,
    cache_ok = cache_ok,
    sleep = sleep,
    index = seq(1, length(file_remote)),
    length = length(file_remote)
  # Do, pwalk will use the names of the df to match the arguments in the worker
  purrr::pwalk(df, get_remote_file_worker)
  # No return

get_remote_file_worker <- function(index, file_remote, file_local, verbose, mode, 
                                   method, cache_ok, sleep, length) {
  # No need for sleep for the last iteration
  if (index == length) sleep <- FALSE
      url = file_remote, 
      destfile = file_local, 
      quiet = !verbose, 
      mode = mode,
      method = method,
      cacheOK = cache_ok
  }, error = function(e) {
    warning("Could not download ", file_remote, "...", call. = FALSE)
  # Sleep between iterations
  if (!is.logical(sleep)) {
    if (verbose) message("Sleeping...\n")
  # No return
skgrange/threadr documentation built on June 30, 2024, 10:26 p.m.