#' Function to transform potentially heterogeneous time zones and force their
#' representation in the UTC time zone.
#' \code{transform_dates_with_time_zone} is useful when time series are
#' represented in a single time zone, but different groups are better analysed
#' in different time zones. \code{transform_dates_with_time_zone} will return
#' transformed dates with the UTC time zone, but this may not strictly be true.
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @param df Tibble with \code{date} and \code{time_zone} variables.
#' @param dates_replace Should the function replace/overwrite the original
#' \code{date} variable(s) with the transformed version?
#' @param drop_time_zone Should the helper \code{time_zone} variable be dropped
#' in the return?
#' @return \code{df} with transformed date variables.
#' @export
transform_dates_with_time_zone <- function(df, dates_replace = TRUE,
drop_time_zone = FALSE) {
# Check inputs
stopifnot(c("date", "time_zone") %in% names(df), lubridate::is.POSIXt(df$date))
# Do the transformations, do each time zone separately
df <- df %>%
dplyr::group_split(time_zone) %>%
transform_dates_with_time_zone_worker, dates_replace = dates_replace
) %>%
# Relocate transformed date variables
if ("date_in_time_zone" %in% names(df)) {
df <- relocate(df, date_in_time_zone, .after = date)
if ("date_end_in_time_zone" %in% names(df)) {
df <- relocate(df, date_end_in_time_zone, .after = date_end)
# Drop helper variable too
if (drop_time_zone) {
df <- select(df, -time_zone)
transform_dates_with_time_zone_worker <- function(df, dates_replace) {
# Get time zone
time_zone <- unique(df$time_zone)
# Check for uniqueness
stopifnot(length(time_zone) == 1L)
# Does the input have a date end too?
has_date_end <- "date_end" %in% names(df)
# Convert date vectors
date_transformed <- df %>%
pull(date) %>%
# Also convert date_end if the variable exists
if (has_date_end) {
date_end_transformed <- df %>%
pull(date) %>%
# Add date vectors to data frame, replace or add
if (dates_replace) {
df <- mutate(df, date = !!date_transformed)
if (has_date_end) {
df <- mutate(df, date_end = !!date_end_transformed)
} else {
df <- mutate(df, date_in_time_zone = !!date_transformed)
if (has_date_end) {
df <- mutate(df, date_end_in_time_zone = !!date_end_transformed)
with_and_force_tz <- function(date, time_zone, time_zone_target = "UTC") {
# Convert dates and force time zone after conversion
date %>%
lubridate::with_tz(tzone = time_zone) %>%
lubridate::force_tz(tzone = time_zone_target)
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