
#' Calculate distance or similarity measures on a matrix
#' \code{dismay} provides a single interface to calculate several measures of 
#' distance or similarity between all pairs of features in a matrix input, where
#' rows correspond to samples and columns correspond to biological features 
#' (e.g., genes, proteins, or metabolites). 
#' Details about the implementation of each distance/similarity metric are
#' as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Pearson correlation: uses the fast \code{\link[WGCNA]{cor}} function 
#'     from \code{\link[WGCNA]{WGCNA}}, adapted to handle missing data 
#'   \item Spearman correlation: uses the base R \code{\link[stats]{cor}}
#'     method
#'   \item Kendall correlation: uses the fast calculation of Kendall's tau
#'     implemented by \code{pcaPP} in the \code{\link[pcaPP]{cor.fk}} function
#'   \item Biweight midcorrelation: uses the fast implementation in the 
#'     \code{\link[WGCNA]{bicor}} function from \code{\link[WGCNA]{WGCNA}}
#'   \item Zero-inflated Kendall correlation: uses the estimator of 
#'     Kendall's tau adapted to zero-inflated count data, described by 
#'     Pimentel et al.
#'   \item Binomial: calculates the negative log10 of the binomial distribution
#'     P-values between genes based on presence/absence across cells, as 
#'     proposed by Mohammadi et al., using an implementation specific to 
#'     \code{dismay}
#'   \item Mutual information: uses the \code{WGCNA} implementation in the 
#'     \code{\link[WGCNA]{mutualInfoAdjacency}} function
#'   \item Cosine similarity: uses the \code{\link[lsa]{cosine}} function in 
#'     \code{lsa}
#'   \item Jaccard index: calculates the Jaccard index between genes based on 
#'     presence/absence across cells, using a custom implementation 
#'   \item Euclidean distance: uses the base R \code{\link[stats]{dist}} method
#'   \item Canberra distance: uses the base R \code{\link[stats]{dist}} method
#'   \item Manhattan distance: uses the base R \code{\link[stats]{dist}} method
#'   \item Weighted rank correlation: implements weighted rank correlation as
#'     described in Zar, "Biostatistical Analysis", 5th ed.
#'   \item Hamming distance: calculates the Hamming distance between genes based 
#'     on presence/absence across cells, using a custom implementation
#'   \item Sorensen-Dice coefficient: uses the implementation within the
#'     \code{\link[arules]{dissimilarity}} function from the 
#'     \code{arules} package
#'   \item \code{phi_s}: calculates the symmetric version of the measure of 
#'     proportionality phi from the \code{propr} package, implemented in the 
#'     \code{\link[propr]{proportionality}} function
#'   \item \code{rho_p}: calculates the symmetric version of the measure of 
#'     proportionality rho from the \code{propr} package, implemented in the 
#'     \code{\link[propr]{proportionality}} function
#' }
#' Distance metrics (Euclidean, Canberra, and Manhattan distances, and the 
#' \code{phi_s} measure of proportionality) are 
#' multiplied by -1 for consistency (i.e., higher values indicate greater
#' similarity across all measures of association). 
#' @param mat the matrix of interest, with samples in rows and biological 
#'   features in columns
#' @param metric the measure of distance or similarity to calculate 
#' @param ... other arguments passed into the appropriate function 
#' @return The similarity matrix between all columns in the 
#'   input matrix. 
#' @examples
#' mat = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 10, dimnames = list(paste("sample", 1:10), 
#'   paste("gene", letters[1:10])))
#' mat[mat < 0] = 0
#' tc = dismay(mat, 'jaccard')
#' cos = dismay(mat, 'cosine')
#' @references 
#' \insertRef{christensen2005}{dismay}
#' \insertRef{langfelder2012}{dismay}
#' \insertRef{pimentel2015}{dismay}
#' \insertRef{mohammadi2018}{dismay}
#' @export
dismay = function(mat, metric = c(
  'pearson', 'spearman', 'kendall', 'bicor', 'zi_kendall', 'binomial', 'MI', 
  'cosine', 'jaccard', 'canberra', 'euclidean', 'manhattan', 'RA', 
  'weighted_rank', 'hamming'), ...) {
  # first, convert to numeric, if needed 
  if (typeof(mat) == "integer") {
    mat[] <- as.numeric(mat)
  # switch over metrics
  cor = NULL
  if (metric == 'pearson') {
    cor = WGCNA::cor(mat, method = 'pearson', ...)
  } else if (metric == 'spearman') {
    cor = stats::cor(mat, method = 'spearman', ...)
  } else if (metric == 'kendall') {
    cor = pcaPP::cor.fk(mat, ...)
  } else if (metric == 'bicor') {
    cor = WGCNA::bicor(mat, ...)
  } else if (metric == 'zi_kendall') {
    cor = kendall_zi(mat, ...)
  } else if (metric == 'binomial') {
    cor = dismay::binomial(mat)
  } else if (metric == 'MI') {
    cor = WGCNA::mutualInfoAdjacency(mat)$AdjacencyUniversalVersion1
  } else if (metric == 'cosine') {
    cor = lsa::cosine(mat)
  } else if (metric == 'jaccard') {
    cor = dismay::jaccard(mat)
  } else if (metric == 'canberra') {
    cor = -1.0 * as.matrix(dist(t(mat), method = 'canberra', ...))
  } else if (metric == 'euclidean') {
    cor = -1.0 * as.matrix(dist(t(mat), method = 'euclidean', ...))
  } else if (metric == 'manhattan') {
    cor = -1.0 * as.matrix(dist(t(mat), method = 'manhattan', ...))
  } else if (metric == 'RA') {
    cor = dismay::RA(mat)
  } else if (metric == 'weighted_rank') {
    cor = dismay::wtd_rank(mat)
  } else if (metric == 'hamming') {
    cor = -1.0 * dismay::hamming(mat)
  } else if (metric == 'dice') {
    cor = -1.0 * dismay::dice(mat)
  } else if (metric == 'phi_s') {
    cor = -1.0 * propr::phis(mat, select = colnames(mat))@matrix
  } else if (metric == 'rho_p') {
    cor = propr::perb(mat, select = colnames(mat))@matrix
  } else{
    stop("invalid distance/similarity metric: ", metric)
skinnider/dismay documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:21 p.m.