knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE,comment = "#>")
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = normalizePath(file.path("..", "inst", "extdata")))

This package implements some functions to visualize the data of Significant Earthquakes dataset provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The package was written for the Capstone project assignment for the Johns Hopkins University "Mastering Software Development in R" specialization on Coursera.

The Data

The dataset is available at the NOAA website (download link).

The dataset contains data for all majour earthquakes and tsunamis starting from 2150 B.C. Dataset definition is available at the site.

The package contains the downloaded file as of the May 2018.

Loading and cleaning the data

To load the dataset, use eq_load_data() function:

raw_data <- eq_load_data("signif.txt")

In order to use, the dataset needs to be cleaned by eq_clean_data() and eq_location_clean() functions.

The first one adds two extra variables, DATE, which holds a date of an event, and DATE_C, which is either "BC" or "AD". Also, the function converts LATITUDE and LONGITUDE vaiables to numeric.

The second function strips country name from LOCATION_NAME variable and converts it to Title case.

data <- raw_data %>% eq_clean_data() %>% eq_location_clean() 

Visualizating earthquakes on a timeline

The package provides visualization tools to be used with ggplot2 in order to display the eqarthquakes on a timeline.

The geom_timeline() function creates a timeline layer, which displays earthquakes on a timeline as points with the diameter relative to earthquake maginitude and color to number of deaths caused by it.

Required aestetic for the function is x, which should be a date variable. Optional aestetics are:

The geom_timeline_label() function adds location or other information to the displayed points.

Required aestetic for the function is x, which should be the same as in the timeline call, and label, which is to provide a name of variable to display. Optional aestetics are:

Additionally, the theme_timeline() function should be used to make a plot area formatted as a timeline.

Sample timeline (without stratification):

h <- data %>% 
 filter(YEAR >= 2000 & YEAR < 2015 & %>%
 filter(COUNTRY == "USA")

ggplot( h, aes (x = DATE )) +
      size = EQ_PRIMARY,
      alpha = EQ_PRIMARY,
      colour = TOTAL_DEATHS
    ) +
  scale_y_discrete() +
  theme_timeline() +
    size = "Richter scale value",
    alpha = "Richter scale value",
    colour = "# deaths"
  ) +
      n_max = 5,
      magnitude = EQ_PRIMARY,
      label = LOCATION_NAME

Sample timeline (with stratification):

h <- data %>%
 filter(YEAR >= 2000 & YEAR < 2015 & %>%
 filter(COUNTRY == "USA" | COUNTRY == "CHINA")

ggplot( h, aes (x = DATE )) +
      y = COUNTRY,
      size = EQ_PRIMARY,
      alpha = EQ_PRIMARY,
      colour = TOTAL_DEATHS
    ) +
  scale_y_discrete() +
  theme_timeline() +
    size = "Richter scale value",
    alpha = "Richter scale value",
    colour = "# deaths"
  ) +
      y = COUNTRY,
      n_max = 5,
      magnitude = EQ_PRIMARY,
      label = LOCATION_NAME

Interactive eartquake map

The eq_map() function displays earthquakes on a interactive map as a leaflet. A small annotation popup is displayed when a user clicks on an earthquake point.

The eq_create_label() is a helper function, which could be used to make a popup text more informative.

Sample usage:

h <- data %>% 
 filter(YEAR >= 2000 & YEAR < 2015 & %>%
 filter(COUNTRY == "USA")
h %>% 
    popup_text = eq_create_label(.)) %>% 
  eq_map(annot_col = "popup_text")

skolchin/eqvispkg documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:14 a.m.