Man pages for skranz/stringtools
Tools for working with strings in R

adapt.blocks.after.replaceHelper function
adapt.pos.after.replaceHelper function
blocks.add.level.0Add level 0 to blocks a matrix of of single chars in a vector of one... a vector of chars into a single string or multiple...
check.str.parCheck if parameter to a str function have allowed dimensions
combine.pos.andCombine two positions via logical AND
combine.pos.list.andCombine a list of positions via logical AND
cumsum.ignoreCummulative sum of number of characters that are ignored
get.ignoreGets a logical ignore vector or list from pos matrices
has.substrReturns for every element of str whether there is a match...
ignore.and.complement.posTransforms a boolean vector ignore to a pos matrix and its... a boolean vector ignore to a pos matrix
merge.linesCombines c("A","B") into a single string seperated by line...
pos.complementReturns the complement of a pos matrix again as a pos matrix a pos matrix into a logical ignore vector Warning...
pos.with.complementReturns a pos matrix combined with its complement. The matrix...
regexp.fixedstrings will be treated as fixed constant in regex
replace.german.umlautereplaces German Umlaute with ascii letters oe, ue, ae
sep.linestransforms a single string with line breaks into a vector... is a matrix or a list of matrices specifying positions as...
str.betweenReturns the between the first occurence of start and the...
str.blocks.posReturns a pos matrix indicating blocks like brackets ( ) or...
str.detectJust a synonym for has.substr
str.ends.withReturns als elements of txt that end with pattern
str.extract.allReturns a list that contains for each element of str (or...
str.extract.firstReturns a vector that contains for each element of str (or...
str.findFind substring positions or matches
str.inposReturns a logical vector with TRUE for every character of str...
str.leftkeeps characters on left
str.left.ofReturns the substring left to the first occurence of pattern
str.lena synonym for nchar a vector of strings like c("A","B","C") into...
str.locate.allFinds start and end positions of all substrings that match... a pattern at the end of str a pattern at the start of strings
str.locate.firstFinds start and end positions of first substring that matches...
str.matches.patternCheck if str completely matches a pattern (not just a...
str.number.matchesReturns the number of matches of pattern in each element of...
str.remove.endsremove charcaters on left and right of a string...
str.remove.ignoreignore is a logical vector or matrix stating which char...
str.replaceReplaces in str every occurence of pattern by replacement a string at the positions specified by pos in str every occurence of pattern by replacement
str.replace.listPerforms sequentially all replacements of pattern and replace...
str.rightkeeps characters on right
str.right.ofReturns the substring right to the first occurence of pattern
str.spaceReturns a string constisting of times spaces, vectorized over...
str.splitSplits string vectors a single string str at positions specified by pos
str.starts.withReturns als elements of txt that begin with pattern
str.tokenizeAn alternative interface to str.split
str.trimtrims whitespaces from string
to.char.matrixconverts into a vector of strings into a matrix of single...
to.char.vectorconverts a string into a vector of single characters
skranz/stringtools documentation built on May 11, 2022, 4:48 a.m.