
#' ICES Stock database
#' Data describing ICES Stocks. Accessed 5 July 2017
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{StockDatabaseID}{Add text}
#'  \item{StockKey}{Add text}
#'  \item{StockKeyLabel}{Add text}
#'  \item{StockKeyDescription}{Add text}
#'  \item{PreviousStockKey}{Add text}
#'  \item{PreviousStockKeyLabel}{Add text}
#'  \item{ActiveYear}{Add text}
#'  \item{SpeciesScientificName}{Add text}
#'  \item{SpeciesCommonName}{Add text}
#'  \item{EcoRegion}{Add text}
#'  \item{ExpertGroup}{Add text}
#'  \item{ExpertGroupDescription}{Add text}
#'  \item{AdviceDraftingGroup}{Add text}
#'  \item{AdviceDraftingGroupDescription}{Add text}
#'  \item{DataCategory}{Add text}
#'  \item{YearOfLastAssessment}{Add text}
#'  \item{AssessmentFrequency}{Add text}
#'  \item{YearOfNextAssessment}{Add text}
#'  \item{AssessmentType}{Add text}
#'  \item{AdviceReleaseDate}{Add text}
#'  \item{AdviceCategory}{Add text}
#'  \item{AdviceType}{Add text}
#'  \item{UseOfDiscardsInAdvice}{Add text}
#'  \item{PABufferApplied}{Add text}
#'  \item{TrophicGuild}{Add text}
#'  \item{FisheriesGuild}{Add text}
#'  \item{SizeGuild}{Add text}
#'  \item{Published}{Add text}
#'  \item{GeneratedOn}{Add text}
#'  \item{SectionNumber}{Add text}
#'  \item{AssessmentKey}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 1296 rows and 31 variables.
#' @source \url{https://sd.ices.dk/}

#' ICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - summary information from assessment output
#' Data from published ICES advice from 2014-2017. Accessed Accessed 5 July 2017. ICES Stock Assessment Database, 2017/July ICES, Copenhagen
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{Year}{Add text}
#'	\item{recruitment}{Add text}
#'	\item{high_recruitment}{Add text}
#'	\item{low_recruitment}{Add text}
#'	\item{low_SSB}{Add text}
#'	\item{SSB}{Add text}
#'	\item{high_SSB}{Add text}
#'	\item{catches}{Add text}
#'	\item{landings}{Add text}
#'	\item{discards}{Add text}
#'	\item{low_F}{Add text}
#'	\item{F}{Add text}
#'	\item{high_F}{Add text}
#'	\item{StockPublishNote}{Add text}
#'	\item{Fage}{Add text}
#'	\item{fishstock}{Add text}
#'	\item{recruitment_age}{Add text}
#'	\item{AssessmentYear}{Add text}
#'	\item{units}{Add text}
#'	\item{stockSizeDescription}{Add text}
#'	\item{stockSizeUnits}{Add text}
#'	\item{fishingPressureDescription}{Add text}
#'	\item{fishingPressureUnits}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 20204 rows and 23 variables:
#' @source \url{https://standardgraphs.ices.dk/}

#' ICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - reference points
#' Data from published ICES advice from 2014-2017. Accessed Accessed 5 July 2017. “ICES Stock Assessment Database, 2017/July ICES, Copenhagen”
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{AssessmentKey}{Add text}
#'	\item{StockKeyLabel}{Add text}
#'	\item{StockDatabaseID}{Add text}
#'	\item{StockKey}{Add text}
#'	\item{AssessmentYear}{Add text}
#'	\item{FLim}{Add text}
#'	\item{Fpa}{Add text}
#'	\item{Bpa}{Add text}
#'	\item{Blim}{Add text}
#'	\item{FMSY}{Add text}
#'	\item{MSYBtrigger}{Add text}
#'	\item{Fmanagement}{Add text}
#'	\item{Bmanagement}{Add text}
#'	\item{RecruitmentAge}{Add text}
#'	\item{RecruitmentLength}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 545 rows and 15 variables:
#' @source \url{https://standardgraphs.ices.dk/}

#' ICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - keys
#' Data from published ICES advice from 2014-2017. Accessed Accessed 5 July 2017. “ICES Stock Assessment Database, 2017/July ICES, Copenhagen”
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{AssessmentYear}{Add text}
#'	\item{AssessmentKey}{Add text}
#'	\item{StockKeyLabel}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 545 rows and 3 variables:
#' @source \url{https://standardgraphs.ices.dk/}

#' ICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - stock status output
#' Data from published ICES advice from 2014-2017. Accessed Accessed 5 July 2017. “ICES Stock Assessment Database, 2017/July. ICES, Copenhagen”
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{AssessmentYear}{Add text}
#'	\item{AssessmentKey}{Add text}
#'	\item{StockKeyLabel}{Add text}
#'	\item{year}{Add text}
#'	\item{status}{Add text}
#'	\item{statusicon}{Add text}
#'	\item{type}{Add text}
#'	\item{lineNumber}{Add text}
#'	\item{lineDescription}{Add text}
#'	\item{fishingPressure}{Add text}
#'	\item{stockSize}{Add text}
#'	\item{stockSizeStatus}{Add text}
#'	\item{fishingPressureStatus}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 6163 rows and 13 variables:
#' @source \url{https://standardgraphs.ices.dk/}

#' Historical Nominal Catches 1950-2010
#' Catches in FAO area 27 by country, species, area and year as provided
#' by the national authorities.
#' Source: Eurostat/ICES data compilation of catch statistics - ICES 2011, Copenhagen.
#' Version: 30-11-2011
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{Country}{Add text}
#'	\item{Species}{Add text}
#'	\item{Division}{Add text}
#'	\item{X1950}{Add text}
#'  ...
#'	\item{X2010}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 28582 rows and 64 variables:
#' @source \url{http://www.ices.dk/marine-data/dataset-collections/Pages/Fish-catch-and-stock-assessment.aspx}

#' @title Official Nominal Catches 2006-2015
#' @description Catches in FAO area 27 by country, species, area and year.
#' Source: Eurostat/ICES database on catch statistics - ICES 2017, Copenhagen.
#' Version 12-06-2017
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{Species}{Add text}
#'	\item{Area}{Add text}
#'	\item{Units}{Add text}
#'	\item{Country}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2015}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2014}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2013}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2012}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2011}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2010}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2009}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2008}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2007}{Add text}
#'	\item{X2006}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 50203 rows and 14 variables:
#' @source \url{http://www.ices.dk/marine-data/dataset-collections/Pages/Fish-catch-and-stock-assessment.aspx}

#' ASFIS list of species
#' ASFIS list of species includes 12 700 species items selected according
#' to their interest or relation to fisheries and aquaculture.
#' For each species item stored in a record, codes (ISSCAAP group, taxonomic and 3-alpha)
#' and taxonomic information (scientific name, author(s), family, and higher taxonomic classification) are provided.
#' Version 2-2016
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{ISSCAAP}{Add text}
#'	\item{TAXOCODE}{Add text}
#'	\item{X3A_CODE}{Add text}
#'	\item{Scientific_name}{Add text}
#'	\item{English_name}{Add text}
#'	\item{French_name}{Add text}
#'	\item{Spanish_name}{Add text}
#'	\item{Author}{Add text}
#'	\item{Family}{Add text}
#'	\item{Order}{Add text}
#'	\item{Stats_data}{Add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 12700 rows and 11 variables:
#' @source \url{http://www.fao.org/fishery/collection/asfis/en}

#' STECF nominal effort
#' STECF nominal effort from the FDI data call 2016. Accessed 16 March 2017.
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{measure.calculation}{add text}
#'	\item{annex}{add text}
#'	\item{country}{add text}
#'	\item{fishing_activity}{add text}
#'	\item{fishing_capacity}{add text}
#'	\item{gt_days_at_sea}{add text}
#'	\item{no_vessels}{add text}
#'	\item{nominal_effort}{add text}
#'	\item{regulated.area}{add text}
#'	\item{regulated.gear}{add text}
#'	\item{specon}{add text}
#'	\item{vessel.length}{add text}
#'	\item{year}{add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 23993 rows and 13 variables.
#' @source \url{https://stecf.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dd/effort/graphs-annex}

#' STECF landings and discards
#' STECF landings and discards from the FDI data call 2016. Accessed 16 March 2017.
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{annex}{add text}
#'	\item{country}{add text}
#'	\item{regulated.area}{add text}
#'	\item{reg_area_cod}{add text}
#'	\item{regulated.gear}{add text}
#'	\item{species}{add text}
#'	\item{specon{add text}
#'	\item{sum_discards}{add text}
#'	\item{sum_landings}{add text}
#'	\item{vessel.length}{add text}
#'	\item{year}{add text}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 530230 rows and 11 variables.
#' @source \url{https://stecf.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dd/effort/graphs-annex}

#' ICES Statistical Areas
#' ICES Statistical Areas. Accessed 23 May 2017.
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{OBJECTID}{add text}
#'	\item{Major_FA}{add text}
#'	\item{SubArea}{add text}
#'	\item{Division}{add text}
#'	\item{SubDivisio}{add text}
#'	\item{Unit}{add text}
#'	\item{Area_Full{add text}
#'	\item{Shape_Leng}{add text}
#'	\item{Shape_Area}{add text}
#'	\item{Area_27}{add text}
#'	\item{geometry}{add text}
#' }
#' @format A sf data frame with 66 rows and 11 variables.
#' @source \url{http://gis.ices.dk/shapefiles/ICES_areas.zip}

#' ICES Ecoregions
#' ICES Ecoregions. Accessed 23 May 2017.
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{OBJECTID}{add text}
#'	\item{Ecoregion}{add text}
#'	\item{Shape_Leng}{add text}
#'	\item{Shape_Le_1}{add text}
#'	\item{Shape_Area}{add text}
#'	\item{geometry}{add text}
#' }
#' @format A sf data frame with 17 rows and 6 variables.
#' @source \url{http://gis.ices.dk/shapefiles/ICES_ecoregions.zip}

#' Europe map
#' ICES Ecoregions. Accessed 23 May 2017.
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{iso_a3}{add text}
#'	\item{iso_n3}{add text}
#'	\item{admin}{add text}
#'	\item{geometry}{add text}
#' }
#' @format A sf data frame with 51 rows and 6 variables. From Natural Earth via the rnaturalearth package
#' @source \url{http://www.naturalearthdata.com/}, \url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=rnaturalearth}
slarge/fisheryO documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:04 a.m.