
Defines functions launch execute getTransitiveClosure

#' @import data.table
#' @import V8
#' @import bit64

rel <- NULL
transitiveclosure <- NULL
isa <- NULL
parser <- NULL
rootconcept <- as.integer64("138875005")
packagename <- "SnoLyze"

no_att <- NULL # concepts without attributs for 0 cardinality 25% faster
all <- NULL
con <- NULL
anyExceptRoot <- NULL
nonLeafConcepts <- NULL

#' @export
launch <- function(sourceRel, sourceTrans = NULL)
    stop("Relationship file is missing")

  env <- loadNamespace(packagename)
  unlockBinding("transitiveclosure", env)
  unlockBinding("rel", env)
  unlockBinding("parser", env)
  unlockBinding("isa", env)
  unlockBinding("no_att", env)
  unlockBinding("all", env)
  unlockBinding("con", env)
  unlockBinding("anyExceptRoot", env)
  unlockBinding("nonLeafConcepts", env)

  rel <- tryCatch(readRel(sourceRel), error = function(e){stop("Relationship file is not RF2")})
  isa <<- typeRel(rel, FALSE)
  setkey(isa, destinationId, sourceId)

    transitiveclosure <<- tryCatch(readTrans(sourceTrans), error = function(e){stop("Transitiveclosure file needs to have the following headers; subtypeId, supertypeId. \n  Leave the second parameter empty to let SnoLyze create one.")})
    transitiveclosure <<- createTC(copy(isa))

  rel <<- typeRel(rel, TRUE)
  all <<- data.table(sctid = c.integer64(rootconcept,unique(isa$sourceId)))
  parser <<- createParser()
  con <<- data.table(sctid = unique(rel$sourceId))
  no_att <<- exclusion(all, con)
  nonLeafConcepts <<- data.table(sctid = unique(isa$destinationId))
  anyExceptRoot <<- data.table(sctid = unique(isa$sourceId))

  lockBinding("transitiveclosure", env)
  lockBinding("rel", env)
  lockBinding("parser", env)
  lockBinding("isa", env)
  lockBinding("no_att", env)
  lockBinding("all", env)
  unlockBinding("con", env)
  lockBinding("anyExceptRoot", env)
  lockBinding("nonLeafConcepts", env)

#' @export
execute <- function(query)
  if(is.null(transitiveclosure) | is.null(rel))
    stop("SnoLyze is not initialized yet")
    return(eval(parse(text = getRcode())))

    message("Syntax is not correct")

#' @export
getTransitiveClosure <- function()
    stop("SnoLyze is not initialized yet")
slaverman/SnoLyze documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:07 p.m.