Man pages for smin95/sesplot
Creating Standalone and Composite Plots in 'ggplot2' for Publications

sm_add_legendAdding a common legend on a combined figure
sm_add_pointAdd a point annotation onto the combined plot
sm_add_textAdd a text annotation onto the combined plot
sm_aucCalculation of the Area under a Curve (Trapezoidal numerical...
sm_auc_allCalculating Area under Curve across multiple conditions and...
sm_barA bar plot with jittered individual points
sm_bland_altmanA Bland Altman plot
sm_boxplotA boxplot with jittered individual points
sm_ciConfidence interval
sm_classicA SM classical theme.
sm_colorSM custom palette of colors
sm_common_axisA function to plot panels with common x- and y- axes
sm_common_legendCreating a common legend for subplots on a separate panel
sm_common_titleCommon title for combined subplots
sm_common_xlabelCommon x-axis label (title) for combined subplots
sm_common_ylabelCommon y-axis label (title) for combined subplots
sm_corr_avgErrSuperimposition of the average point with horizontal and...
sm_effsizeCohen's d - effect size
sm_forestForest plot
sm_forest_annotAnnotation of the error range on the forest plot
sm_hgridMinimalistic theme of horizontal major grids
sm_histHistogram with kernel density estimation (Gaussian) and rugs
sm_hvgridMinimalistic theme with major horizontal and vertical grids
sm_hvgrid_minorA theme with horizontal and vertical major and minor grids
sm_minimalSM minimal theme (no grid) with borders.
sm_paletteSM custom palette of colors
sm_panel_labelWriting a label for each panel of a combined figure
sm_plot_cleanRemove xticklabels and yticklabels in selected panels for...
sm_pointplotPoint plot with optional shadow
sm_powerPost-hoc power analysis using two-sample or paired t-test
sm_put_togetherCombining figures together
sm_raincloudRaincloud plot
sm_slopeA slope chart
sm_slope_allCalculating the slope across multiple conditions and subjects
sm_slope_meanA slope chart (with mean) of one group
sm_slope_themeSM plot with a theme appropriate for the slope chart
sm_statBlandAltStatistics for a Bland-Altman plot
sm_statCorrLinear regression slope and statistical values (R or R2 and p...
sm_stdErrStandard error
sm_vgridMinimalistic theme with vertical major grids
sm_violinA violin plot with jittered individual points
smin95/sesplot documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:35 a.m.