sm_auc_all: Calculating Area under Curve across multiple conditions and...

View source: R/sm_auc_all.R

sm_auc_allR Documentation

Calculating Area under Curve across multiple conditions and subjects


This function returns a data frame containing AUCs from a data frame that contains the original raw data. One of the two arguments 'groups' and 'conditions' must be filled. The function will throw an error if both arguments are empty.


sm_auc_all(data, subjects, groups, conditions, x, values)



Name of the variable that stores the data frame that contains the columns with the specified column names.


The name of the column of the data frame that contains subjects. It must be strings.


The name of the column of the data frame that contains each group. It must be strings.


The name of the column of the data frame that contains each condition. It must be strings.


The name of the column of the data frame that contains the x-axis points/x coordinates from which the AUC can be calculated. It must be strings. The column must not have characters.


The name of the column of the data frame that contains the actual data, which are the y-axis points from which the AUC can be calculated. It must be strings.


Returns a data frame containing area under curve from each subject and experimental condition and/or group.


set.seed(1) # generate random data
day1 = rnorm(16,0,1)
day2 = rnorm(16,5,1)
Subject <- rep(paste0('S',seq(1:16)), 2)
Value <- data.frame(Value = matrix(c(day1,day2),ncol=1))
Day <- rep(c(1,2), each = length(day1))
Condition <- rep('Control', length(day1)*2)
df <- cbind(Subject, Value, Condition, Day)

sm_auc_all(data = df, subjects = 'Subject',values = 'Value',
conditions = 'Condition',x = 'Day')

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