sm_raincloud: Raincloud plot

View source: R/sm_raincloud.R

sm_raincloudR Documentation

Raincloud plot


This function visualizes a raincloud plot, which is a combination of jittered points, boxplots and violin plots. The creation of this function has been inspired by the R package called 'raincloudplots' by Jordy van Langen.

This function has been created to allow more customisation than the functions in the raincloudplots package. Also, this function automatically sorts the data given the condition that the x-axis factor levels have been sorted properly.


  boxplot.params = list(),
  violin.params = list(alpha = 0.3, color = "transparent"),
  point.params = list(alpha = 1, size = 3, shape = 21, color = "transparent"),
  which_side = "r",
  sep_level = 2,
  point_jitter_width = 0.12,
  vertical = TRUE,
  points = TRUE,
  borders = TRUE,
  legends = FALSE,
  seed = NULL,
  forget = FALSE



A generic aesthetic parameter across points, boxplot and violin. This is optional.


List of parameters for boxplot, such as color, alpha, fill etc


List of parameters for violin, such as color, alpha, fill etc


List of parameters for individual points, such as color, alpha, fill etc


String argument to specify the side of the boxplots and violinplots. The options are: 'right' and 'left'. 'mixed' has been removed from smplot due to its lack of usage.


A numerical value that controls the level of the separation among the boxplot, violin plot and the points. The value can be 0-4. If it's 0, all of these are clustered together. If it's 3, they are all separated. 1 and 2 are somewhere in the middle. Default is set to 2.


A numerical value that determines the degree of the jitter for each point. If its 0, all the points will have no jitter (aligned along the y-axis).


The orientation of the plots. The default is set to TRUE. If you want the horizontal orientation of the plot, set this argument as FALSE.


If the points need to be displayed, the input should be TRUE. If the points are not needed, the input should be FALSE.


If the border needs to be displayed, the input should be TRUE. If the border is not needed, the input should be FALSE.


If the legend needs to be displayed, the input should be TRUE. If the legend is not needed, the input should be FALSE.


Random seed


Forget the defaults when list() is called for a specific parameter (ex. point.params). Set to TRUE when when users want to map aesthetics to different groups more flexibly.. Set to FALSE by default.


Returns a raincloud plot generated using ggplot2.



set.seed(2) # generate random data
day1 = rnorm(20,0,1)
day2 = rnorm(20,5,1)
day3 = rnorm(20,6,1.5)
day4 = rnorm(20,7,2)
Subject <- rep(paste0('S',seq(1:20)), 4)
Data <- data.frame(Value = matrix(c(day1,day2,day3,day4),ncol=1))
Day <- rep(c('Day 1', 'Day 2', 'Day 3', 'Day 4'), each = length(day1))
df2 <- cbind(Subject, Data, Day)

ggplot(data=df2, aes(x = Day, y = Value, color = Day, fill = Day)) +
sm_raincloud() +
 xlab('Day')  +
 scale_fill_manual(values = sm_palette(4))

smin95/sesplot documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:35 a.m.