pairwise: Pairwise post-hoc comparisons in nonparametric multivariate...

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pairwiseR Documentation

Pairwise post-hoc comparisons in nonparametric multivariate factorial designs


Pairwise post-hoc comparisons in nonparametric multivariate factorial designs


pairwise(object, type = NULL, base = 1, factor = NULL, uni = FALSE, ...)



A rankMANOVA object. The pairwise comparisons can only be performed for one factor at a time, so this model must be a one-way model.


The type of the pairwise comparison must be specified here. Calculation is based on the contrMat function in package multcomp, see the corresponding help page for details on the types of contrasts available.


An integer specifying which group is considered the baseline group for Dunnett contrasts, see contrMat.


If desired, the specific factor for which the calculations shall be computed. Defaults to all factors present in the model (without interactions, though).


Logical: should univariate comparisons also be computed? Default is FALSE.


Not used yet.


The pairwise function computes p-values for pairwise comparisons as provided by contrMat. For the nonparametric comparisons, only Tukey's all-pairwise and Dunnett's many-to-one comparisons are used. Note that due to the formulation of our effect size vectors, these tests can be performed by applying the closed testing principle, i.e., no alpha-correction is needed, see Dobler, Friedrich and Pauly (2019) for details.

NOTE: If an interaction is significant in the main model, the data set should be split accordingly for the post-hoc analyses. Thus, the pairwise comparisons are not computed for interaction effects.


p-values for the multivariate and (if desired) univariate pairwise comparisons of the chosen factor.


Dobler, D., Friedrich, S., and Pauly, M. (2019). Nonparametric MANOVA in meaningful effects. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.

See Also


smn74/rankMANOVA documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 10:26 a.m.