The lineId package provides tools for fitting linear multivariate models and using them for identification.


Suppose we observe vector-valued data $y_i$ for $i = 1,..., m$, and each data point belongs to a class $1,...,K$. Let $z_i$ denote the class label of $y_i$. Often, the $z_i$ are unobserved, and the goal is to guess the class label $z_i$ for each observation. In scientific applications, the $z_i$ may in fact have been observed or even controlled, but the goal is to evaluate the power of a probabilistic model in inferring the labels $z_i$ given $y_i$.

In classification one has prior information (e.g. traning data) on the distribution of responses from each class label, which is used to assign labels. For instance, one has an estimate of the mean $\mu_i$ and covariance $\Sigma_i$ of the response in each class.

In identification, one may not have direct information on the classes $1,...,K$, but has class covariates $x_1,...,x_k$ for each class. These covariates describe some features of each class. For instance, if classes $1,..,K$ are different pictures, then $x_i$ is a vector of image features. In this case, one usually has prior information on the relationship between the class covariates $x$ and the characteristics of the response distribution. For example, one has training data for responses $y$ for different classes. Based on this training data, one could have a model for how the mean $\mu$ and covariance $\Sigma$ of a particular class depend on $x$, i.e. $$\mu = f(x)$$ $$\Sigma = g(x)$$.

Linear Identification

The lineId package focuses on identification problems which assume a linear model, of the form $$\mu = xB$$ $$\Sigma = \text{const.}$$ where $x$ is the class covariates as a row vector, $B$ is some coefficient matrix, and $\mu$ is the response mean as a row vector. Meanwhile, the response covariance $\Sigma$ is assumed to not depend on the class.

To fit the above model, we rely on training data consisting of pairs of covariates and responses, $(x, y)$. Let $X_{tr}$ and $Y_{tr}$ denote the matrices obtained by stacking the covariates and responses as row vectors, so that according to the linear model $$ E[Y_{tr}] = X_{tr}B $$ Hence, multivariate regression can be used to estimate $B$.

Meanwhile, the resduals of the regression can be used to estimate $\Sigma$.

Estimating $B$ and $\Sigma$ produces a forward model which can be used to predict a new response $y$ drawn from a class with covariates $x$.

However, we are given response $y$ and tasked with identifying the label $z$. Let us make some additional assumptions in our forward model, so that $y$ is normally distributed conditional on $z$, $$ y|z \sim N(x_z B, \Sigma) $$ Given this distributional forward model, and also the distribution of $z$ (which we will just take to be uniform), we can use Bayes' rule to produce the posterior probability of $z$ conditional on $y$. $$ Pr[z = i] = \frac{N(y; x_i B, \Sigma)}{\sum_{j = 1}^K N(y; x_j B, \Sigma)} $$ If we seek to minimize the misclassification rate, the optimal decision is to choose label $i$ which maximizes the posterior probability. We can take logs and get rid of the denominator in the above expression, so that we end up choosing $i$ which maximizes $$ \log N(y; x_i B, \Sigma) $$ What we have just described here amounts to a backwards model, a rule for guessing the label $i$ given the previously estimated parameters $B$ and $\Sigma$.

However, this is not the only reasonable backwards model. We call the rule we have given here the "MLE rule". In our paper, we describe a more complicated backwards model which treats $B$ as a random effect with a prior distribution and accounts for the uncertainty in the estimation of $B$.

The package

The lineId package includes functions for the tasks described above and more, namely:

An example

Let us generate data with pX=10-dimensional features and a pY=20-dimensional response. We use identity covariance for features/response and no autocorrelation (hence the parameters W_X=Inf, W_e=Inf, and rho_t=0). The noise has standard deviation s_e=0.1. We generate a training set of size n=30, a test set of size n_te=20, and use L=10 test classes. The coefficient matrix $B$ is randomly generated with each component normal with mean zero and standard derivation s_b=0.1. The parameter df_b=Inf means that each column of $B$ has the same prior variance.

params <- gen_params(n=30, pY=20, pX=10, W_X=Inf, s_e=0.1, s_b=0.1, df_b=Inf, W_e=Inf, rho_t=0, L=10, n_te=20)

Let us inspect the objects created by gen_params


X, X_te and B are the training data covariates, test class covariates, and coefficient matrix, respectively. Sigma_b is the prior covariance of the columns of $B$, which we will not use for now. Sigma_e is the covariance of the noise, and Sigma_t is the time series covariance, which have both been specified as identity.

Notice we have not yet generated the training or test responses. This is because a separate function takes care of the task: gen_data. This way, the same covariates can be used to generate multiple datasets, which allows investigation of sampling variability.

dat <- gen_data(X=params$X, X_te=params$X_te, B=params$B, 
                Sigma_e=params$Sigma_e, Sigma_t=params$Sigma_t, n_te=20)

But rather than type out the arguments one by one, we can use

dat <-, params)

Now we can look at the contents of dat.


Here, Y is the training response, y_star are the test set responses, and i_chosen are the true labels (corresponding to rows of X_te).

Next, we fit a forward model. We will use ridge regression on each column of $Y$ separately, using cross-validation to choose the regularization parameter.

B <- fit_elnet_CV(X=dat$X, Y=dat$Y, alpha=0)

We can compare the fitted $B$ to the true $B$.

plot(params$B, B)
abline(a = 0, b = 1)

Note the shrinkage effect: many of the components of the estimated $B$ are zero, and most of the nonzero components are still below the diagonal (indicating they are shrunk compared to the truth.)

Next, we can use the residuals of the fitted model to estimate $\Sigma$. We will use the sample covariance of the residuals, but shrink the off-diagonals by a multiplicative factor of shrink=0.5. Again, we compare the estimate with the truth.

Sigma <- residual_offdiag(X=dat$X, Y=dat$Y, B=B, shrink=0.5)
plot(params$Sigma_e, Sigma)
abline(a = 0, b = 1)

Finally, we can use MLE rule to do identification. This requires two steps. First, use pre_mle to estimate the distribution of each class in X_te

dists <- pre_mle(X_te=dat$X_te, B=B, Sigma_e=Sigma)

We get a list of length L=10, where the $i$-th element of the list gives the mean and covariance of the $i$-th class.


Now, we use the function post_likes

pl <- post_likes(X_te=dat$X_te, y_star=dat$y_star, pre_moments=dists)

We get a matrix of dimension n_te=20 by L=10, where the $i$-th row and $j$-th column is the log posterior probability of the $i$-th test response having the label $j$.

We get the predicted labels, simply choose the max in each row. Now compare the true labels with the predictions.

predicted_labels <- apply(pl, 1, function(v) order(-v)[1])
rbind(true_labels = dat$i_chosen, predicted_labels)

Alternatively, use topk_score to count the total number of correct classifications. Parameter k=1 means we only consider the result correct if the correct class has the largest probability. But in general we can relax the criterion to only requiring the correct class to have the k-th largest probability.

topk_score(plikes=pl, i_chosen=dat$i_chosen, k = 1)

Finally, all of the above (beside data generation) could have been automated as follows.

results <- identification_pipeline1(
  X=dat$X, Y=dat$Y, X_te=dat$X_te, y_star=dat$y_star, i_chosen=dat$i_chosen,
  forward_method=fit_elnet_CV, forward_params=list(alpha = 0),
  Sigma_e_method=residual_offdiag, Sigma_e_params=list(shrink = 0.5),
  scoring_method=topk_score, scoring_params=list(k = 1))

(Results may vary slightly due to the randomness in fit_elnet_CV.)

snarles/ClassEx documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:55 a.m.