
title: "Overview of abbyyR" author: "Gaurav Sood" date: "2016-05-15" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Overview of abbyyR} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

Access Abbyy Cloud OCR SDK API via R

Easily OCR images, barcodes, forms, documents with machine readable zones, e.g. passports, right from R. Get the results in form of text files or detailed XML. The package provides access to the Abbyy Cloud OCR SDK API. Details about results of calls to the API can be found here.


To get the current development version from github:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("soodoku/abbyyR", build_vignettes = TRUE)


To get going, get the application id and password from Then set the application id and password via the setapp function.

setapp(c("app_id", "app_password"))


Applications are a convenient way to keep different OCR projects separate. You can have multiple applications running at the same time. Each application has its own budget. To get more information about the application, use getAppInfo.


The function returns a list that includes the name of the Application, no. of pages remaining (given the money), no. of fields remaining (given the money), and when the application credits expire. The function automatically prints these out. For additional details about how Abbyy FineReader implements getAppInfo, see the reference for the function.


Tasks are a way to bundle images that need to be processed with same parameters. Say for instance, one task may have images that have been taken by a mobile phone and which you want OCRd to a text file. Another may have all scanned images that you want exported to XML. There are a variety of functions to help you manage the tasks.


Till now we have covered tools to manage the workflow. Now we cover details about how to submit images, barcode fields, business cards etc. for OCR. Abbyy conveniently provides separate functions for submitting different types of documents. The argument that we can pass depending on the kind of the document we are processing. Abbyy provides a way to process a single image, and a bundle of images (bundled under one task) using the same set of parameters. The function below either submit documents to Abbyy or trigger processing of documents (separate steps). To download images that have been processed, use the getResults function.

soodoku/abbyyR documentation built on July 19, 2023, 8:36 a.m.