
Defines functions tuber_check tuber_DELETE tuber_POST tuber_GET is_testing yt_check_key yt_authorized_key yt_set_key yt_get_key yt_check_token yt_authorized yt_token

Documented in tuber_check tuber_DELETE tuber_GET tuber_POST yt_authorized yt_check_token yt_get_key yt_set_key yt_token

#' @title \pkg{tuber} provides access to the YouTube API V3.
#' @description \pkg{tuber} provides access to the YouTube API V3 via
#' RESTful calls.
#' @name tuber
#' @importFrom askpass askpass
#' @importFrom httr GET POST DELETE authenticate config stop_for_status
#' @importFrom httr upload_file content oauth_endpoints oauth_app oauth2.0_token
#' @importFrom httr2 request req_url_path_append req_url_query req_headers
#' @importFrom httr2 req_user_agent req_perform resp_body_json
#' @importFrom httr2 secret_encrypt secret_decrypt
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom plyr ldply rbind.fill
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows select pull filter mutate
#' @importFrom tibble enframe
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything all_of
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider unnest unnest_longer
#' @importFrom purrr map_df map_dbl
#' @docType package
#' @aliases tuber-package


#' Check if authentication token is in options
#' @return A Token2.0 class
#' @export
yt_token <- function() {

#' @export
#' @rdname yt_token
yt_authorized <- function() {

#' @rdname yt_token
yt_check_token <- function() {

  if (!yt_authorized()) {
    stop("Please get a token using yt_oauth().\n")


#' Manage YouTube API key
#' @name yt_key
#' @aliases yt_get_key yt_set_key
#' @export yt_get_key yt_set_key
#' @description
#' These functions manage your YouTube API key and package key in \code{.Renviron}.
#' @usage
#' yt_get_key(decrypt = FALSE)
#' yt_set_key(key, type)
#' @param decrypt A boolean vector specifying whether to decrypt the supplied key with `httr2::secret_decrypt()`. Defaults to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, requires the environment variable `TUBER_KEY` to be set in `.Renviron`.
#' @param key A character vector specifying a YouTube API key.
#' @param type A character vector specifying the type of API key to set. One of 'api' (the default, stored in `YOUTUBE_KEY`) or 'package'. Package keys are stored in `TUBER_KEY` and are used to decrypt API keys, for use in continuous integration and testing.
#' @return
#' `yt_get_key()` returns a character vector with the YouTube API key stored in `.Renviron`. If this value is not stored in `.Renviron`, the functions return `NULL`.
#' When the `type` argument is set to 'api', `yt_set_key()` assigns a YouTube API key to `YOUTUBE_KEY` in `.Renviron` and invisibly returns `NULL`. When the `type` argument is set to 'package', `yt_set_key()` assigns a package key to `TUBER_KEY` in `.Renviron` and invisibly returns `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## for interactive use
#' yt_get_key()
#' list_channel_videos(
#'   channel_id = "UCDgj5-mFohWZ5irWSFMFcng",
#'   max_results = 3,
#'   part = "snippet",
#'   auth = "key"
#' )
#' ## for continuous integration and testing
#' yt_set_key(httr2::secret_make_key(), type = "package")
#' x <- httr2::secret_encrypt("YOUR_YOUTUBE_API_KEY", "TUBER_KEY")
#' yt_set_key(x, type = "api")
#' yt_get_key(decrypt = TRUE)
#' list_channel_videos(
#'   channel_id = "UCDgj5-mFohWZ5irWSFMFcng",
#'   max_results = 3,
#'   part = "snippet",
#'   auth = "key"
#' )
#' }

yt_get_key <- function(decrypt = FALSE) {
  api_key <- Sys.getenv("YOUTUBE_KEY")
  pkg_key <- Sys.getenv("TUBER_KEY")
  if (identical(api_key, "")) {
    message("No YOUTUBE_KEY environment variable found")
    if (interactive()) {
      answer <- utils::askYesNo("Do you want to set YOUTUBE_KEY?")
      if (isTRUE(answer)) {
        api_key <- yt_set_key()
    } else {
  if (!identical(api_key, "")) {
    if (decrypt && !identical(pkg_key, "")) {
      api_key <- secret_decrypt(api_key, "TUBER_KEY")
      message("YOUTUBE_KEY was decrypted with TUBER_KEY and was invisibly returned")
    if (decrypt && identical(pkg_key, "")) {
        "Decryption requires a package key.\n",
        "Please set a package key using `yt_set_key(type = 'package')`.",
        call. = FALSE

yt_set_key <- function(key = NULL, type = "api") {
  if (type == "api") {
    if (interactive() && is.null(key)) {
      key <- askpass("Please enter your YouTube API key")
      stopifnot("YOUTUBE_KEY must be a character vector" = is.character(key))
    Sys.setenv(YOUTUBE_KEY = key)
    message("YOUTUBE_KEY was stored in '.Renviron' and was invisibly returned")
  if (type == "package") {
    if (interactive() && is.null(key)) {
      key <- askpass("Please enter your package key")
      stopifnot("TUBER_KEY must be a character vector" = is.character(key))
    Sys.setenv(TUBER_KEY = key)
    message("TUBER_KEY was stored in '.Renviron' and was invisibly returned")

yt_authorized_key <- function() {

yt_check_key <- function() {
  if (!yt_authorized_key()) {
    stop("Please set a YouTube API key using `yt_set_key()`.\n")

is_testing <- function() {
  identical(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT"), "true")

#' GET
#' @param path path to specific API request URL
#' @param query query list
#' @param auth A character vector of the authentication method, either "token" (the default) or "key"
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}.
#' @return list

tuber_GET <- function(path, query, auth = "token", ...) {

  if (auth == "token") {
    req <- GET("https://www.googleapis.com", path = paste0("youtube/v3/", path),
               query = query, config(token = getOption("google_token")), ...)
    res <- content(req)

  if (auth == "key") {
    req <-
      request("https://www.googleapis.com") %>%
      req_url_path_append("youtube/v3", path) %>%
      req_url_query(!!!query) %>%
      req_headers("x-goog-api-key" = suppressMessages(yt_get_key())) %>%
      req_user_agent("tuber (https://github.com/soodoku/tuber)") %>%
    res <- req %>% resp_body_json()



#' @param path path to specific API request URL
#' @param query query list
#' @param body passing image through body
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}.
#' @return list

tuber_POST <- function(path, query, body = "", ...) {


  req <- POST("https://www.googleapis.com", path = paste0("youtube/v3/", path),
              body = body, query = query,
              config(token = getOption("google_token")), ...)

  res <- content(req)


#' @param path path to specific API request URL
#' @param query query list
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}.
#' @return list

tuber_DELETE <- function(path, query, ...) {


  req <- DELETE("https://www.googleapis.com", path = paste0("youtube/v3/", path),
                query = query, config(token = getOption("google_token")), ...)

  res <- content(req)


#' Request Response Verification
#' @param  req request
#' @return in case of failure, a message

tuber_check <- function(req) {

  if (req$status_code < 400) return(invisible(NULL))
  orig_out <-  httr::content(req, as = "text")
  out <- try({
      flatten = TRUE)
  }, silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
    msg <- orig_out
  } else {
    msg <- out$error$message
  msg <- paste0(msg, "\n")
  stop("HTTP failure: ", req$status_code, "\n", msg, call. = FALSE)
soodoku/tuber documentation built on April 15, 2024, 10:19 p.m.