# function(s) to be called from 1-run-dash.R
# Summarize one permission for all_quarters, outputting to csv
# This function encapsulates the workflow for producing dashboard metrics for
# a specified permission. It is included in template code (rather than in sadash)
# because state-specific tweaking of the workflow may be necessary.
# You can optionally return the metrics (list) to an object (return_ref = TRUE).
# This can then be used as input to a privilege (e.g., deer hunting) for
# calculating privilege rate.
# - group: name of permission
# - part_ref: reference permission data for use in privilege rates
# use NULL for participation rates (e.g., for overall permissions like "hunt")
# - return_ref: if TRUE, will also return a list (as reference for privilege rates)
# - res_type: for residency specific permissions ("Resident", "Nonresident", NULL)
# - write_csv: if TRUE, will write csv file(s) for permission-quarter(s)
# setting to FALSE is intended for testing
# - yrs_group: years to include in dashboard, useful if certain permissions
# need to be truncated (defaults to yrs parameter)
# - group_out: optionally use a different name than stored in group argument
# for the output, potentially useful (for example) in residency-specific permissions
# - quarters_group: quarters to include for selected group, useful for permissions
# that are only sold for example in the second half of the year
# - month_to_quarter: for identifying quarter by month, may vary by state (e.g.,
# for states that use fiscal year)
run_dash <- function(
group, part_ref = NULL, return_ref = FALSE, res_type = NULL,
write_csv = TRUE, yrs_group = yrs, group_out = group,
quarters_group = all_quarters,
month_to_quarter = function(x) case_when(x <= 3 ~ 1, x <= 6 ~ 2, x <= 9 ~ 3, TRUE ~ 4)
) {
# get data for permission
lic_ids <- load_lic_ids(db_license, group)
sale_group <- filter(sale, lic_id %in% lic_ids) %>%
distinct(cust_id, year, month) %>%
mutate(quarter = month_to_quarter(month))
history <- load_history(db_history, group, yrs_group) %>%
left_join(cust, by = "cust_id") %>%
# function to produce metrics for one quarter
# - wraps run_qtr_handler() for error/warning handling on provided code
run_qtr <- function(qtr, group) {
run_qtr_handler(code_to_run = {
sale_qtr <- sale_group %>%
quarterly_filter(quarter, qtr, yrs_group)
history_qtr <- history %>%
quarterly_filter(quarter, qtr, yrs_group) %>%
quarterly_lapse(qtr, yrs_group)
history_qtr, pop_county, sale_qtr, dashboard_yrs,
part_ref[[paste0("q", qtr)]], res_type,
scaleup_test = 25
}, qtr, group)
# produce metrics for all quarters
out <- lapply(quarters_group, function(x) run_qtr(x, group))
names(out) <- paste0("q", quarters_group)
# wrap up
if (write_csv) mapply(write_output, out, quarters_group, group_out)
if (return_ref) out
# Called from run_dash() ----------------------------------------------------
# To run metrics with error/warning handling
# This provides a couple of useful features:
# 1. stops the current quarter run (on error) but continues running any remaining quarters
# 2. logs errors & warnings with headers showing current permission-quarter.
# These can be saved to a file with sink() to facilitate automation
run_qtr_handler <- function(code_to_run, qtr, group) {
# using tryCatch() allows remaining quarters to be run if error is caught
# use withCallingHandlers() to log every warning
warning = function(w) { print(w); cat("\n") },
finally = cat("\nRun for", group, "quarter", qtr, "--------------------\n\n")
error = function(e) {
message("Caught an error: ", group, " quarter ", qtr)
print(e); cat("\n")
# Write output metrics for a selected permission-quarter
write_output <- function(metrics, qtr, group) {
if (length(metrics) == 0) {
metrics %>%
format_metrics(qtr, group) %>%
write_dash(qtr, group)
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