# finalize production sqlite database
# https://github.com/southwick-associates/salicprep/blob/master/github_vignettes/data-schema.md
## State-specific Notes
# -
# Load Data ---------------------------------------------------------------
lic <- read_csv("data/lic-clean.csv", col_types = cols(
lic_id = col_integer(),
duration = col_integer(),
.default = col_character()
# don't need non-hunting/fishing sales/customers in production db
lic_slct <- filter(lic, type %in% c("fish", "hunt", "combo"))
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), db_standard)
sale <- tbl(con, "sale") %>%
select(cust_id, lic_id, year, dot, raw_sale_id, sale_period) %>%
collect() %>%
semi_join(lic_slct, by = "lic_id")
cust <- tbl(con, "cust") %>%
collect() %>%
semi_join(sale, by = "cust_id")
# Recoding Customer Vars --------------------------------------------------
cust <- mutate(cust, birth_year = year(ymd(dob)))
cust$birth_year <- ifelse(cust$birth_year < 1900, NA_integer_, cust$birth_year)
# Customer Duplication -----------------------------------------------------
# check for duplicates, and deduplicate if necessary
# https://github.com/southwick-associates/salicprep/blob/master/github_vignettes/customer-deduplication.md
# check: exact dups?
nrow(cust) == length(unique(cust$cust_id)) # should print TRUE (i.e, no exact dups)
# check: one customer for multiple cust_ids?
# - using full names
select(cust, dob, last, first) %>% check_dups()
# check: one customer for multiple cust_ids?
# - using partial name matches
cust <- cust %>%
mutate(first2 = str_sub(first, end = 2), last3 = str_sub(last, end = 3))
select(cust, dob, last3, first2) %>% check_dups()
cust <- select(cust, cust_id, birth_year, sex, cust_res, cust_period, raw_cust_id)
# Identify Sale Residency -------------------------------------------------
# if not provided by state at the transaction level
# https://github.com/southwick-associates/salicprep/blob/master/github_vignettes/residency-identification.md
sale <- res_id_type(sale, lic)
sale <- res_id_other(sale) # this can take some time to run
sale <- res_id_cust(sale, cust)
# Recoding Sale Vars ------------------------------------------------------
# check transaction dates
sale <- mutate(sale, dot = ymd(dot))
count(sale, year = year(dot)) %>% ggplot(aes(year, n)) + geom_col()
# set unreasonable transaction date values to missing
# - perform this operation with caution
sale <- sale %>%
mutate(dot_new = case_when(year(dot) %in% yrs ~ dot))
# - check missings
sale %>%
filter(is.na(dot_new)) %>% count(year(dot)) %>%
# - reset dot
sale <- sale %>%
select(-dot) %>%
rename(dot = dot_new)
# set year to ensure calendar year (and month)
sale <- sale %>% mutate(
month = month(dot) %>% as.integer(),
year = year(dot) %>% as.integer()
# drop records without reliable dates
# - again with caution, don't want to drop non-negligible amounts of data we need
filter(sale, is.na(dot)) # check
sale <- filter(sale, !is.na(dot))
sale <- select(sale, cust_id, lic_id, year, month, dot, res, raw_sale_id, sale_period)
# Final Prepartion --------------------------------------------------------
# ensure dates are stored as character (for SQLite)
sale <- date_to_char(sale)
# final check
data_check(cust, lic, sale)
# Write to SQLite ---------------------------------------------------------
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), db_production)
dbWriteTable(con, "cust", cust, overwrite = TRUE)
dbWriteTable(con, "lic", lic, overwrite = TRUE)
dbWriteTable(con, "sale", sale, overwrite = TRUE)
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