Man pages for southwick-associates/lifetime
Provide functions for lifetime pricing

all_sportsData: hunting/fishing license history from customer sample
compound_interestCalculate final principal given a rate of return
custData: customer sample
licData: sportsman license types
lic_revenueCalculate future license revenue streams by current age
lifetimelifetime: Lifetime pricing analysis
nc_break_evenFind lifetime price (by current_age) where Revenue|A ==...
nc_break_even_yrsCalculate number of years it takes to break even (if ever)
nc_price_lifetime_youthCalculate compounded price for youth lifetimes
nc_retainPredict retention across a set of ages for NC methodology
nc_retain_youthSimulate retention curves for youths
nc_revenueCalculate revenue for annual vs lifetime scenarios
present_value_streamEstimate present value of a fund with annual interest...
retainData: Sportsman Retention years results by age
retain_allData: Sportsman Retention years results by current & future...
saleData: sportsman sales for license types of interest in sample
wsfrCalculate WSFR Aid dollars by current age
wsfr_lifetime_yrsCalculate the number of years to count WSFR dollars with...
yrs_avidityEstimate a simple avidity measure
yrs_calcCalculate license buying
yrs_calc_avgCalculate license buying - years by age
yrs_fitFit license buying
yrs_lifetimePrepare data for comparing lifetime vs annual buyers
yrs_plotPlot results for predicting license buying
yrs_predictPredict license buying
yrs_predict_avgPredict license buying - years by age
yrs_resultResults of license buying
yrs_zeroPrepare history table for retention calculation
southwick-associates/lifetime documentation built on Feb. 24, 2020, 9:33 a.m.