
Dashboard Analyst Introduction

Data dashboards provide a visual representation of hunting and fishing license sales; summarizing both recent and long-term trends. Participation metrics are presented for anglers and hunters as a whole and also broken out over demographic groups, including residency, gender, and age.

Partial Snapshot of Tableau Dashboard

Analyst Expectations

The analyst role in the dashboard production focuses on processing hunting and fishing license data. The data comes from state agency databases; the analysis task involves preparing and standardizing these idiosyncratic data sources. The work expectations hinge upon capability in an R-based workflow:

Input: Raw License Data

State agencies provide raw license data, which is typically separated into three related tables. A generic example:

Data Processing Goals

Output: SQLite Database

The expected data processing output is superficially quite similar to the data processing input, but is standardized across states and structured in a way which makes it easy to extract participation metrics for building interactive dashboards:

Example R Code

I’ve included some example R code (and output) below to give a sense of what a question-driven workflow might look like using the SQLite production database.


# pull data
db_production <- "E:/SA/Data-production/Data-Dashboards/IA/license.sqlite3"
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), db_production)
sale_res <- tbl(con, "sale") %>%
    filter(res == 1, year >= 2014, year <= 2018) %>% # exclude nonresidents
    select(cust_id, year) %>%
cust <- tbl(con, "cust") %>%
    select(cust_id, sex, birth_year) %>%

# produce visual to expore question
x <- sale_res %>%
    left_join(cust, by = "cust_id") %>%
    distinct() %>% # ensure one customer per year
    filter(!, ! %>%
        sex = factor(sex, 1:2, c("Male", "Female")),
        age = year - birth_year,
        agecat = cut(age, breaks = c(-Inf, 30, 50, Inf))

x %>%
    ggplot(aes(year)) +
    geom_bar() +
    facet_grid(sex ~ agecat) +
    ggtitle("Resident Hunters per Year (2014 thru 2018) - Age Category by Gender")

southwick-associates/salicprep documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 12:03 p.m.