
Residency Identification

State residency (in-state, out-of-state) is a customer variable that may change over time. For this reason, it is stored in the sale table of the production database. Agencies may provide a transaction-specific residency variable, in which case no identification is needed on our part. Otherwise, the workflow below should be used to identify residency.


A 3-step residency identification process is usually sufficient to reach near 100% residency identification. Because residency is often license-type-specific, priority is given to that variable in identifying residency. When not available, we can rely upon other transactions by the same customer or the customer address.


  1. Residency of the license type (when specified)
  2. Other purchases by the same customer (for those customers with known residency)
  3. Customer residency variable (usually based on a state variable)

Example Code

Three functions from package salicprep have been included to make it easy to identify residency with the above prioritization. This is intended to be performed in the 05-final.R script which builds the production database.


# identify residency
# -  if not provided by state at the transaction level
sale <- res_id_type(sale, lic)
sale <- res_id_other(sale) # this can take some time to run
sale <- res_id_cust(sale, cust)

southwick-associates/salicprep documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 12:03 p.m.