tapplysum: Sum By Factor Level

View source: R/tapplysum.R

tapplysumR Documentation

Sum By Factor Level


A faster equivalent of tapply(FUN=sum).


  tapplysum(x, flist, do.names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)



Vector of numeric or complex values.


A list of factors of the same length as x.


Logical value indicating whether to attach names to the result.


Logical value indicating whether to remove NA values before computing the sums.


This function is designed to be a faster alternative to the idiom y <- tapply(x, flist, sum); y[is.na(y)] <- 0. The result y is a vector, matrix or array of dimension equal to the number of factors in flist. Each position in y represents one of the possible combinations of the factor levels. The resulting value in this position is the sum of all entries of x where the factors in flist take this particular combination of values. The sum is zero if this combination does not occur.

Currently this is implemented for the cases where flist has length 1, 2 or 3 (resulting in a vector, matrix or 3D array, respectively). For other cases we fall back on tapply.


A numeric vector, matrix or array.



and Tilman Davies.

See Also

tapply, table


   x <- 1:12
   a <- factor(rep(LETTERS[1:2], each=6))
   b <- factor(rep(letters[1:4], times=3))
   ff <- list(a, b)
   tapply(x, ff, sum)
   tapplysum(x, ff, do.names=TRUE)
   tapplysum(x + 2i, ff, do.names=TRUE)

spatstat/spatstat.utils documentation built on Aug. 18, 2024, 2:39 p.m.