Man pages for spgarbet/tangram
The Grammar of Tables

add_footnoteAdd a footnote to a table
add_indentAdd indentations to left column row headers
args_flattenFlatten variable arguments
as.categoricalConvert data type to a factor if it's not already
ASTBranchA left/right branch in an Abstract Syntrax Tree. This...
ASTFunctionA specified function call as an ASTNode
ASTMultiplyThe multiplication of two terms, as an ASTNode.
ASTNodeA Node in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
ASTPlusThe addition of two terms, in an ASTNode.
ASTTableFormulaThe root ASTNode of a formula.
ASTVariableA Variable in an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
cbind.tangramA cbind for generated table tangram objects.
cellConstruct a table cell from an object
cell_headerCreate a cell_header object of the given text.
cell_labelCreate an cell_label (S3) object of the given text.
cell_nCreate an cell_n (S3) object of the given statistic
cell_subheaderCreate a cell_subheader object of the given text.
cell_transformCreate a function to transform all cells of a table
csvGenerate an csv from a tangram or cell object
custom_cssReturn a CSS file as a string
del_colDelete given column(s) from a table
del_rowDelete a row(s) from a table
derive_labelDerive label of AST node.
drop_statisticsDrop all statistics columns from a table.
format_guessGuess the best format for a given set of numerical data
hmiscStyle Bundle for Hmisc defaults
hmisc_cellCell Generation functions for hmisc default
hmisc_data_typeDetermine data type of a vector loosely consistent with...
hmisc_intercept_cleanupCleanup an intercept only model
html5S3 html5 Method function for use on a tangram to generate...
html5.cellConvert an abstract cell object into an HTML5 string
html5.cell_headerConvert an abstract cell_header object into an HTML5 string
html5.cell_labelConvert a cell_label object into an HTML5 string
html5.cell_nConvert an abstract cell_n object into an HTML5 string
html5.cell_subheaderConvert an abstract cell_subheader object into an HTML5...
html5.characterDefault conversion to HTML5 for a character cell
html5.defaultDefault conversion to HTML5 for an abstract table element
html5.logicalDefault conversion to HTML5 for a logical cell
html5.tangramConvert a tangram class into an HTML5 string
indexGenerate an index from a tangram or cell object
index.cell_labelGenerate an index from a label object
index.defaultGenerate an index from a cell object
index.listGenerate an index from a list object
index.tangramGenerate an an index from a tangram object
insert_columnInsert a column into a tangram table
insert_rowInsert a row into a tangram table
is.binomialDetermine if a vector is binomial or not
is.categoricalDetermine if a vector is categorical or not
keyKey derivation helper function
lancetStyle Bundle for Lancet style
lancet_cellCell Generation functions for Lancet styling
lancet_fractionCreate an cell_fraction (S3) in NEJM style of the given data
lancet_mean_sdCreate a mean/sd cell object of the given data in Lancet...
latexRender to LaTeX methods for tangram cell objects
latexifyLaTeX safe string conversion
latex_templateReturn a LaTeX template that works with tangram
nejmStyle Bundle for Closer to NEJM style
nejm_cellCell Generation functions for nejm default
nejm_fractionCreate an cell_fraction (S3) in NEJM style of the given data
nejm_iqrCreate a interquartile range cell object of the given data...
nejm_rangeCreate a NEJM style range
ParserThe parser class for generating abstract syntax trees for...
pbcMayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
pipe.tangramProvide a "|" operator for cbind of tangram tables
plus-.tangramProvide a "+" operator for rbind of tangram tables
printPrint methods for tangram objects
proc_tabTangram transform for proc_tab style summaries via a function
rbind.tangramAn rbind for generated tables tangram objects.
render_fFormat a vector of provided numeric values
render_route_tangramRouter for rendering method
replace_cellReplace a cell's contents
rmdGenerate an Rmd table entry from a cell object
rowscolsS3 object to return number of rows/cols in object
rtfS3 rtf Method function for use on abstract table class
rtf.defaultDefault conversion to RTF for an abstract table element
rtf.tangramConvert a tangram into an RTF string or file
select_colSelect given column(s) from a table
select_rowSelect given row(s) from a table
smdList of lists, should contain a "Type" entry with a function...
smd_cellCell Generation functions for SMD comparisons of categorical...
smd_compareCreate a SMD for a categorical set of column versus a...
smd_contingencyCreate a contingency table with SMD given a row column of a...
smd_distCreate an SMD distance cell
smd_fractionCreate a fraction cell in the smd transform
smd_meansdCreate an SMD mean and standard deviation cell
standard_differenceCompute the standardized mean distance between 2 groups for...
summarize_nejm_horzCreate a summarization for a categorical set of column versus...
summarize_nejm_vertCreate a summarization for a categorical row versus X...
summaryThe default method for rendering tangram objects
table_builderA set of magrittr operators for tangram tables
table_flattenGiven a tangram object with embedded tables, flattens to a...
tangramTable creation methods
TokenA token in the formula grammar
spgarbet/tangram documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 7:13 p.m.